xp-forge / partial

Partials: Compile-time metaprogramming
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Inconsistencies #10

Closed thekid closed 8 years ago

thekid commented 9 years ago

The library feels a bit inconsistent at the moment:


Some traits are parametrized, others not:

use lang\partial\Identity;               // Same here
use lang\partial\Comparators;            // :-)

class Name extends \lang\Object {
  use Identity;                          // Different here!
  use Name\including\Comparators;        // :-(

This is because Identity is a "plain" trait, while Comparators is a transformation. Maybe we can find a way around this so the user need not distinguish (while at the same time not being a major performance degradation?)


The names are inconsistent:

thekid commented 9 years ago

:bulb: Usage: is

Use use Name\including\Identity; or use Name\including\ListOf; is a bit problematic, because it doesn't include anything but makes it something; the words is or as would be better. We could simply support both syntaxes, leaving it up to the user when to use what, and decide during class loading if we're handling a transformation or a regular trait.

use lang\partial\Identity;
use lang\partial\Comparators;

class Name extends \lang\Object {
  use Name\is\Identity;
  use Name\with\Comparators;
thekid commented 9 years ago

:bulb: Naming

Strategy: Use technical / design pattern names. In most cases, we're already there, in some, we need to rename. Plural form denotes multiple members are generated, singular only creates a single field or method.

The ValueObject transformation includes read-only accessors, equals() and toString() today. This comes close to a value object minus the constructor as described in xp-framework/rfc#294, which I personally like, but people might misunderstand. Along with the aforementioned strategy, it should be split as follows:

This way, Equals can the be complemented by HashCode and ToString to form a lang.Generic style value object. To build lang.Value instances we can compose CompareTo, HashCode and ToString.

This also leaves room for Getters (a special form of accessors starting with get) and Setters (a special form of mutators starting with set). In the future, we could create Mutable as a combination of those, as well as Immutable as a combination of accessors and the constructor.

Resulting changes

Use case Old name New name
is lang.partial.Identity lang.partial.ReferenceTo
is lang.partial.ListIndexedBy (unchanged)
is lang.partial.ListOf (unchanged)
is lang.partial.ValueObject (split into composeable usecases, see below)
with (ValueObject split) lang.partial.Accessors
with (ValueObject split) lang.partial.Equals
with (ValueObject split) lang.partial.ToString
with _(new)_ lang.partial.HashCode
with lang.partial.Comparators (unchanged)
with lang.partial.Constructor (unchanged)
with lang.partial.Sortable lang.partial.CompareTo
with lang.partial.WithCreation lang.partial.Builder