xp-forge / partial

Partials: Compile-time metaprogramming
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Explain how to extend #4

Open thekid opened 9 years ago

thekid commented 9 years ago

The README file should contain how to extend this library with custom transformations:

<?php namespace com\example\transform;

 * Creates `getX()` and `setX()` accessors for all member variables.
class MutableValueObject extends \lang\kind\Transformation {

   * Creates trait body
   * @param  lang.mirrors.TypeMirror $mirror
   * @return string
  protected function body($mirror) {
    $body= '';
    foreach ($this->instanceFields($mirror) as $field) {
      $name= $field->name();
      $body.= 'public function get'.ucfirst($name).'() { return $this->'.$name.'; }';
      $body.= 'public function set'.ucfirst($name).'($arg) { $this->'.$name.'= $arg; }';
    return $body;
thekid commented 9 years ago

Maybe think of a declaration helper:

$body.= $this->declare('get'.ucfirst($name), [], '{ return $this->name; }');
$body.= $this->declare('set'.ucfirst($name), ['arg' => $field->type()], '{ $this->name= $arg; }');