xp-framework / rfc

One of the major deficiencies in the development of many projects is that there is no roadmap or strategy available other than in the developers' heads. The XP team publishes its decisions by documenting change requests in form of RFCs.
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Subcommands #303

Closed thekid closed 8 years ago

thekid commented 8 years ago

Scope of Change

This RFC intends to change the XP runners to a single entry point with multiple subcommands. E.g., instead of writing unittest src/test/php, we'd write xp test src/test/php.


There are a couple of problems with the current implementation, especially in conjunction with the splitting of the framework:

General idea:

Basic functionality

$ xp run Test
$ xp ar cvf app.xar src/main/php=.
$ xp ar xvf app.xar
$ xp eval {code}
$ xp version
$ xp write {code}
$ xp dump {code}

From other packages

$ xp reflect {ref}           # = xp lang.mirrors.Inspect {ref}
$ xp test unittest.ini       # = unittest unittest.ini
$ xp serve .                 # = xpws -r .
$ xp measure src/prof/php    # = xp xp.measure.Runner src/prof/php

Providing subcommands

Libraries should be able to provide subcommands in an easy way. Inside a project, we usually state our dependencies by using Composer, therefore being able to provide subcommands via its infrastructure would be awesome.

These kinds of subcommands exist:

  1. The entry point class. This is the easiest of all subcommands. Running "xp test ...", which invokes the subcommand named xp-test, for example, is the same as running "xp unittest.Runner ..."
  2. The foreground process. For example, "xp serve" (the new "xpws") needs to keep the process running until a certain event, in this case a key press by the user.
  3. The daemon. Something like the service system; see https://github.com/xp-framework/xp-runners/pull/28.

    Security considerations

    Speed impact


The form xp Test which runs Test::main($argv) must continue to work, as an alias for xp run Test.

Related documents

thekid commented 8 years ago

Can vendor binaries solve the "easy to provide" requirement? Here's how it works for PHPUnit:

Definition by PHPUnit


   "name": "phpunit/phpunit",
    "bin": [
    "config": {
        "bin-dir": "bin"


#!/usr/bin/env php
// ...
foreach (array(__DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php') as $file) {
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        define('PHPUNIT_COMPOSER_INSTALL', $file);

    echo 'You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:' . PHP_EOL .
        'wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar' . PHP_EOL .
        'php composer.phar install' . PHP_EOL;



Generated code


#!/usr/bin/env sh
cd "`dirname "$0"`"
cd "../phpunit/phpunit"
cd "$SRC_DIR"
"$BIN_TARGET" "$@"


SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/../phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
php "%BIN_TARGET%" %*

:-1: Won't work directly for two reasons:

  1. We need to influence the command line options to PHP itself, we're out of luck (except if we fork PHP from inside PHP:/)
  2. PHP is hardcoded, this doesn't work if PHP isn't in $ENV{PATH} or if we want to use another binary, e.g. "/home/thekid/devel/php-src/sapi/cli/php" or "/usr/bin/php7"
thekid commented 8 years ago

Inner workings

This is how an XP runner works in pseudo-code.

# Returns the command line via xp.ini / environment
# E.g. /usr/bin/php5.5 -dinclude_path=src/main/php -ddate.timezone=Europe/Berlin
    cmd = find_exe($config.rt | $ENV{XP_RT} | "php")
    cmd += include_path(from: $config.use_xp | $ENV{USE_XP} | ".")
    cmd += ini_settings(from: $config)
    <- cmd

# Returns the runner based on ??? - currently always "!default", xpws
# uses "!wait" (and maybe "!daemon" in the future).
    if (???):
        <- new Runner.default(class, run(proc) = {
            <- proc.exit
    else if (???)
        <- new Runner.wait(class, run(proc) = {
            <- proc.exit
    else if (???)
        <- new Runner.daemon(class, run(proc) = {
            switch (subcommand):
                start: proc.pid >>> file($name.pid)
                status: Console.writeln(file($name.pid) | "Not running")
                stop: Process.get(file($name.pid)).kill()
            <- 0
    <- "Unknown runner type"

# Entry point -> command line
# E.g. "class-main.php xp.reflect.Command"
    cmd = ""
    cmd += runner.entry_point         # Either "class-main.php" or "web-main.php"
    cmd += runner.entry_class         # E.g. xp.scriptlet.Runner
    <- cmd

# Execute command / args, e.g. "xp test src/test/php" = "test", ["src/test/php"]
# Returns exitcode
execute(subcommand, options, arguments)
    runner = runner(subcommand)

    <- runner(new Process(cmdline(options) + entry(runner) + arguments)

Basic subcommand parsing

Before invoking execute(), the command line is parsed:

$ xp -cp lib run Test 1 2 --verbose
# subcommand := "run"
# options    := [ "-cp" => lib ]
# arguments  := ["Test", "1", "2", "--verbose"]

Next, locate "xp-run" subcommand, invoke it w/ options and arguments. If no subcommand can be found, default it to "xp-run" (BC case, see above!)

Possible implementation in C#


We need to get this right

thekid commented 8 years ago


So maybe the ??? could be determined by parsing the line in the .bat file:

SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/../xp-framework/unittest/xp-test
               ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
               |     |                        |      
               |     |                        subcommand
               |     combined path
               vendor dir reference

The file "xp-test" itself would contain the necessary configuration, which the runner would parse. If invoked directly by PHP, it could display an error message: "please invoke by using xp $command".

:warning: We're relying on a specific way Composer generates the .bat files...

thekid commented 8 years ago


The other idea is to compile the runner on first use, so using xp test src/test/php would check through the class path, see where it can find a xp-test file, and create a subcommand on the fly in vendor/bin.




From this we could generate code, compile it (saving it to the filesystem for the next run) and finally include it:

C# implementation

var declaration = new Net.XpFramework.Runner.Ini(subcommand + ".ini");
var unit = new CodeSnippetCompileUnit(@"
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    class {{name}} : Default
        public {{name}}(string name): base(name) { }

        override public string Class() { return ""{{class}}""; }
        override public string Entry() { return ""class""; }
    .Replace("{{name}}", subcommand)
    .Replace("{{class}}", declaration.Get("default", "class"))

var parameters = new CompilerParameters();
parameters.GenerateExecutable = false;
parameters.OutputAssembly = subcommand + ".dll";

var provider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
var results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(parameters, unit);

if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
    Console.Error.WriteLine("*** Cannot compile `{0}'", subcommand);
    foreach (var error in results.Errors)
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", error.ToString());
    return 0xff;

Bash implementation


thekid commented 8 years ago

_There is now a reference implementation available at https://github.com/xp-runners/reference_.

Re the above ideas: Its plugin architecture use Composer scripts' filenames to determine the necessary information.

thekid commented 8 years ago

_The first official plugin subcommand is now xp test- via https://github.com/xp-framework/unittest/releases/tag/v6.8.0_


Timm@slate ~
$ composer global require xp-framework/unittest
Changed current directory to C:/Users/Timm/AppData/Roaming/Composer
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
  - Removing xp-framework/unittest (dev-master 7d2659b)
  - Installing xp-framework/unittest (v6.8.0)
    Downloading: 100%

Writing lock file
Generating autoload files



thekid commented 8 years ago


Here are the external commands available:

thekid commented 8 years ago

Links inside help output, using the correct Terminal, are clickable!


Source: https://github.com/xp-framework/core/pull/127

thekid commented 8 years ago

The web command, currently still without support for PHP's development webserver:

