xp-framework / rfc

One of the major deficiencies in the development of many projects is that there is no roadmap or strategy available other than in the developers' heads. The XP team publishes its decisions by documenting change requests in form of RFCs.
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Scriptlet Facades #49

Closed thekid closed 12 years ago

thekid commented 12 years ago

Scope of Change

A new API will be introduced that will provide a base for common use-cases of scriptlets - e.g. data manipulation frontends (list, new, edit, delete), search form and paged result sets, signup processes, user-configurable portal pages, news aggregation frontends and more.


Remove the need for reinventing the wheel in many places and for boilerplate code (EditHandler / EditWrapper / EditState, CreateHandler / CreateWrapper / CreateState, ...).


A "Facade" groups and provided functionality of multiple states and associated handlers and wrappers together.

Use case #1: Data manipulation frontend

Shows a list of items, provides means to add new items, delete and edit existing ones.


The most common practice here would be to implement this based on records from a database table, but we don't want to be limited to that.

Note: An implementation based on rdbms.DataSet could use rdbms.Criteria to 
easily list, find, change, create and modify items. We need a way to create 
specialized "facade" objects that serve the sole purpose of being displayed, 
e.g. a news entry with a attributes "author.realname" and "comments.count".
Note: Simply selecting all fields from one database table and displaying 
them row-wise in a table is not sufficient. This may work well for flat 
database  structures, but will fail if we normalize. For example, a "news" 
table would contain an author_id field pointing to the "author" table. 
Now for list display, we probably don't need *all* fields from the author
table but only the first- and lastname (and maybe the email address).
Also, we can't always join on everything, e.g. in a listing of news
entries we don't want all comments associated with an entry but rather
only how many exist.

Note: After a record is modified, some further action may need to be taken, e.g. sending an email, triggering a SOAP service, fireing a UDP trigger, ...

Other implementations
Beyond database access, the entries could come from and would need to
be saved to other datasources, e.g.:

- Application Server (remote API)
- Filesystem

Note: These cases seem rare to me at the moment, but I think we should take this into account...

Use case #2: Search and results
Provides a simple entry box and a more complicated one for extended 
searches. Shows search results ordered best first and paged.

- Site search
- List search on list from use case #1

Note: Search results may need to be filtered before being able to display them based on a user's settings and/or access permissions.

Use case #3: Configurable portal page
Shows a list of selected portlets in a user-defined order per page. 
Offers a way to configure the shown portlets and to administer the

- Intranet portal page

Use case #4: Ordering / signup process
Guides the user through the process, showing forms dependant on data 
currently needed (e.g., if the user is an existing user, no credit card
or bank data needs to be queried) and lets the user hop back and forth
within the process.

- Order a webhosting package
- Signup for a blogging account

Use case #5: News aggregation frontend
Shows entries ordered by date, newest first, with a means to show them
grouped by topic and/or date, to browse the topics and to view and 
comment entries.

- Weblog
- Photoblog

Security considerations

Speed impact
A bit slower than directly implementing the classes because most of the
functionality will work at runtime to further ease development and to
eliminate the step of generator runs.


Related documents
- Ruby on Rails
thekid commented 12 years ago

: Went away completely from the idea of providing a facade only for use case #1, instead currently focussing on gathering use cases.

friebe, Fri, 06 Jan 2006 17:44:21 +0100