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Proposal for Philipp #40

Open xp1632 opened 6 months ago

xp1632 commented 6 months ago

Initial Email template

Subject: Proposal for PhD Research in TrustAI

Dear Professor [Professor’s Last Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in pursuing a PhD under your esteemed guidance. As you may recall, I recently completed my Master’s thesis, for which both you and my supervisor, [Supervisor’s Name], kindly attended the seminar and gave a ‘1.0’ grade.

I am deeply interested in the field of TrustAI, a topic I understand is of relevance to ASR group. I believe that this area holds immense potential for groundbreaking research and I am eager to explore it further.

In light of this, I have taken the liberty of drafting a preliminary research proposal, which I have attached to this email. The proposal outlines my initial ideas and research questions that I believe could contribute significantly to the field of TrustAI.

I understand that there are currently no active projects. However, I am hopeful that my research proposal might inspire a new project or fit into an upcoming one. If there are any funding opportunities available or upcoming in this area, I would be grateful if you could consider me for the same.

I am open to any suggestions or feedback you might have on my proposal. I look forward to the possibility of continuing my academic journey under your guidance and within our group.

Thank you for considering my application.

Best regards, [Your Name]

xp1632 commented 6 months ago

- Why?

Pasted image 20240403143127

xp1632 commented 6 months ago

General Research proposal format:

Title: This should be concise and descriptive, clearly indicating the area of research.

Abstract: A brief summary of what the proposal is about. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method, and the main findings.

Introduction: This section introduces the research problem and provides necessary background information. It should also include the research question and why it is important.

Literature Review: This section demonstrates that you are familiar with the current research in your field. You should summarize the major findings and theories related to your topic and identify the gaps your research is intended to fill.

Research Design and Methods: This section should explain how you will answer your research question. It should detail the methods you will use to collect and analyze your data.

Implications: Discuss the potential impact of your research. How will it contribute to your field of study? What practical applications could it have?

Bibliography: List the sources you have used or plan to use for your research.

xp1632 commented 6 months ago

My preliminary research proposal should focus on

xp1632 commented 6 months ago

Difference between research proposal and cover letter

Cover Letter: