Open grinchyk opened 3 days ago
How to debug applications created with mingw-w64-gcc-xpack in eclipse ide?
Sorry, my experience with Windows is limited, and I don't know the answer, but I would say using the same procedure as for debugging any other project.
As for the name x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe
, I don't know your project, but you might be using the wrong toolchain. The mingw-gcc-xpack package is intended to produce Windows packages on Linux/macOS/Windows.
If your project intends to builds native binaries on Linux/macOS/WIndows, probably the gcc-xpack package is what you are looking for. It is true that on Windows both mings-gcc and gcc create .exe files, but in the general case their use cases are different.
it was not possible to get a simple answer from your documentation.
I'm working now on improving the documentation. If you have suggestions, please feel free to pass them.
I added a notice to the documentation:
How to debug applications created with mingw-w64-gcc-xpack in eclipse ide? Also which mode I should use to create projects? Your toolchain uses prefix (x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe) but MingwGCC plugin in Eclipse seems does not supports any prefixes... Also gdb is absent in mingw-w64-gcc-xpack package. So seems I must maybe to install some third package with the gdb. Sorry for the amateur question maybe but it was not possible to get a simple answer from your documentation. Thank you.