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Web part for Odoo community management modules https://github.com/YannickB/community-management/
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Existing proposition shall be displayed in announcement #3

Closed YannickB closed 9 years ago

YannickB commented 9 years ago

Actually, when we go in an announcement the existing propositions aren't displayed.

veryberry commented 9 years ago

Actually, propositions are visible according to ir.rule entities (there are several ones defined for marketplace.proposition and account.wallet.transaction models). Now 'open' state and 'already_published' are written to proposition at the moment of creation. Mb there is some issue in proposition-transaction state sync workflow..

YannickB commented 9 years ago

Maybe... At the very least, the proposition created by the demo data are not displayed.

veryberry commented 9 years ago

Yannick, I've checked in DB, transactions related to demo propositions have state 'draft' and transactions have its own ir.rule entities, that is cause why proposition aren't displayed in this case. Should I do any actions from my side to correct this situation?

YannickB commented 9 years ago

Ok I realised during my test with Julien, In fact I was tricked by the fact I went directly redirected in edit mode, and propositions aren't displayed in edit mode :). That's why I though proposition weren't displayed.

Julien made an error not asking for a simple edit/view mode for announcement, like you did on member page, and so the ergonomy is quite awful on this part. I opened a ticket about it #14 , for this ticket I think we can close it.