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Users Expt at XPD using Flash Sintering(Time series combined with position scan) #175

Open sghose opened 5 years ago

sghose commented 5 years ago

Users need to collect data and use the pipeline using tseries for about 5-10 minutes for every 1 sec interval while scanning the sample in ID for 10 positions. The output data file should contain the time stamp as well as position value.

Expected Behavior

We will run xrun with a sample and plan. Plan contains a tseries for the whole time (5- 10 min) while scanning through several positions ( Pos_Start, Pos_stop_Pos_interval) back & forth until the tseries ends.

Possible Solution

user a position change plan and tseries plan to combine to a master plan and run with sample. Have the xpdAn handle the file naming.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

1. 2. 3.


We have a flash sintering setup commissioned at XPD beamline which applies a electric field continuously upto a Current limit reached ( runs for 5-10 mins total). This is EPICS ready but not Ophyd ready( DAMA is working on it). We will run this filed in parallel with xrun ins a pseudo automatic run. Once we have time stamp in the file and position we can later match them with the Filed value from time stamp. In future DAMA group will make it a device to run in synchronized with xrun.


We have a user starting on 22nd of March (this week), So, all we need to write the files with timestamp and position. Should be a quick way.

CJ-Wright commented 5 years ago

CC @tacaswell

CJ-Wright commented 5 years ago

Depending on how this is implemented this may require a release at XPD.

chiahaoliu commented 5 years ago

depending on the purpose of the scan, my interpretation of this scan can be either of the following:

  1. t-series at each spatial point, iterate through points

  2. independent t-series while scanning at spatial points

  3. seems more aligned with the description but it doesn't guarantee your data will be collected at the consistent spatial points.

@sghose is that what you have in mind?

sghose commented 5 years ago

@chiahaoliu independent tseries while scanning at spatial points is the one we need. @CJ-Wright I don't understand what do you mean by a new release? If it is that difficult might not be possible by 22nd.

@tacaswell Tom is working on the BS plan for this setup, we will be testing the same on Thursday and Friday. If the BS plan works we will then step up the implementation with xpdAcq

Once the device is ready, BS plan is ready we would like to use the xpdacq & xpdAn protocols for data collection and Analysis.

If we have issue with BS plan, then we could run the device epics and start tseries and position scans with tseries. All I need from xpdAn is to write the output files with time stamp and position information.

CJ-Wright commented 5 years ago

There is a potential way to do this without a release (use the save server template to take the timestamp from the timestamps['pe1_image'] data in the events, which should be correct). The main issue is that the analyzed events (which have the data we want to save) have timestamps associated with the time of the analysis. But we might be able to access the original timestamp via the combined raw + analyzed data stream.

sghose commented 5 years ago

Please try to help us on this on Friday if Possible.

CJ-Wright commented 5 years ago

@sghose you can run this test yourself when you have a few spare moments. You need to modify the save server template save_server --template='{base_folder}/{folder_prefix}/{start[analysis_stage]}/{start[sample_name]}_{event[timestamps][pe1c_image]}_{__independent_vars__}{start[uid]:.6}_{event[seq_num]:04d}{ext}'

Once you are ready take a few shots and see if the timestamp (which will be in seconds since epoc) matches the raw data events

Note that you will need to change the [pe1_image] to be the detector's readback name (eg pe2_image)