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The Uber use-case for multi-sample, multi-detector operations #202

Open sbillinge opened 3 years ago

sbillinge commented 3 years ago

multi-sample, multi-detector (or detector position) operations

Expected Behavior

User has an experimental plan in the most general case where she has n samples to measure using m detectors/detector positions, and there are a series of measurements to be made on each sample, e.g., a temperature or a time series, or a position series or sthg.

What they would like to see at the beamline is any number (user selectable) from 0 to (n x m) plot window-clusters pop up showing intermediate or reduced data (similar to the current viz server but preferrably more granularly configurable). In each window-cluster they would like to see waterfall plots etc. of the series of curves (time/temperature) for a single sample on a single detector (i.e., the ith sample on the jth detector)

They would like the save server to save each of the (n x m) measurement series using the same rationale, so if we are using the file system there are (n x m) folders with the right data and metadata in them for each of the sample+detector series, all reduced to i(q), and if desired g(r), f(q), s(q) etc.. If we are using databroker/intake the same logic is captured somehow in the document structure (or at least in the catalog) allowing the user to fine-tune and redo analyses straightforwardly, maybe using xpdtools or sthg else.

There are, immediately, 4 UCs UC1) 2 separate detectors at different positions exposed in an interleaved fashion, so the measurement logic looks like:

  temperature 1:
     sample 1:
     sample 2:
  temperature 2:

UC2) as UC1 but detector 2 is just detector 1 at a different position

UC3) as UC1 but detector1 and detector 2 are offset sideways and triggered together

UC4) as UC1 but the outer-loop is over the samples and the inner loop over the temperatures. The innermost loop is still over detectors.

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

1. 2. 3.



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