xpilot-project / xpilot

Open-source, cross-platform X-Plane pilot client for VATSIM.
GNU General Public License v3.0
117 stars 35 forks source link

Xpilot quits unexpectedly #185

Closed osca644 closed 8 months ago

osca644 commented 8 months ago

after todays update my x pilot is broken Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 2 22 40 PMTranslated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: xPilot [1836] Path: /Applications/xPilot/xPilot.app/Contents/MacOS/xPilot Identifier:
Version: () Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2023-11-16 14:20:24.2102 -0600 OS Version: macOS 13.6 (22G120) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: D7A23D5D-8C6D-2AFD-5C23-D0966E7A4D98

Time Awake Since Boot: 3800 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: Namespace DYLD, Code 1 Library missing Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/libssl.3.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/xPilot/xPilot.app/Contents/MacOS/xPilot Reason: tried: '/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache) (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)

Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld 0x7ff80b174c52 __abort_with_payload + 10 1 dyld 0x7ff80b18efd7 abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal + 82 2 dyld 0x7ff80b18f009 abort_with_payload + 9 3 dyld 0x7ff80b1138f0 dyld4::halt(char const) + 375 4 dyld 0x7ff80b110b71 dyld4::prepare(dyld4::APIs&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer const) + 4526 5 dyld 0x7ff80b10f3bd start + 1805

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit): rax: 0x0000000002000209 rbx: 0x0000000000000000 rcx: 0x00007ff7b85114b8 rdx: 0x00007ff7b8511920 rdi: 0x0000000000000006 rsi: 0x0000000000000001 rbp: 0x00007ff7b8511500 rsp: 0x00007ff7b85114b8 r8: 0x00007ff7b8511520 r9: 0x0000000000000000 r10: 0x0000000000000076 r11: 0x0000000000000246 r12: 0x0000000000000076 r13: 0x00007ff7b8511920 r14: 0x0000000000000001 r15: 0x0000000000000006 rip: 0x00007ff80b174c52 rfl: 0x0000000000000246 cr2: 0x000000010aeff000

Logical CPU: 0 Error Code: 0x02000209 Trap Number: 133

Binary Images: 0x1079ed000 - 0x10a0a8fff xPilot () /Applications/xPilot/xPilot.app/Contents/MacOS/xPilot 0x7ff80b109000 - 0x7ff80b1a15ef dyld () <3df96f32-b9c9-3566-a6b7-4daebc6d6563> /usr/lib/dyld

External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=222.5M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=222.5M(100%) Writable regions: Total=8596K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=8596K(100%)

                            VIRTUAL   REGION 

REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= STACK GUARD 56.0M 1 Stack 8192K 1 VM_ALLOCATE 8K 2 DATA 795K 3 DATA_CONST 1028K 2 __DATA_DIRTY 7K 1 LINKEDIT 183.2M 3 TEXT 39.3M 2 dyld private memory 260K 2 shared memory 4K 1 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 288.6M 18

Full Report

{"app_name":"xPilot","timestamp":"2023-11-16 14:20:24.00 -0600","app_version":"","slice_uuid":"cf2ca454-699f-333d-8429-4b615e8366ee","build_version":"","platform":1,"bundleID":"","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 13.6 (22G120)","roots_installed":0,"name":"xPilot","incident_id":"AEEAD53B-020E-482D-866F-2356E5980926"} { "uptime" : 3800, "procRole" : "Background", "version" : 2, "userID" : 501, "deployVersion" : 210, "modelCode" : "iMac18,3", "coalitionID" : 1290, "osVersion" : { "train" : "macOS 13.6", "build" : "22G120", "releaseType" : "User" }, "captureTime" : "2023-11-16 14:20:24.2102 -0600", "incident" : "AEEAD53B-020E-482D-866F-2356E5980926", "pid" : 1836, "cpuType" : "X86-64", "roots_installed" : 0, "bug_type" : "309", "procLaunch" : "2023-11-16 14:20:23.4139 -0600", "procStartAbsTime" : 3861647721747, "procExitAbsTime" : 3862443873256, "procName" : "xPilot", "procPath" : "\/Applications\/xPilot\/xPilot.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/xPilot", "bundleInfo" : {"CFBundleShortVersionString":"","CFBundleVersion":"","CFBundleIdentifier":""}, "storeInfo" : {"deviceIdentifierForVendor":"E1031636-B0F8-5D66-8F8F-AF0571FA4AFE","thirdParty":true}, "parentProc" : "launchd", "parentPid" : 1, "crashReporterKey" : "D7A23D5D-8C6D-2AFD-5C23-D0966E7A4D98", "codeSigningID" : "", "codeSigningTeamID" : "X3TMVGC3W9", "codeSigningFlags" : 570499857, "codeSigningValidationCategory" : 6, "codeSigningTrustLevel" : 0, "sip" : "enabled", "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000","rawCodes":[0,0],"type":"EXC_CRASH","signal":"SIGABRT"}, "termination" : {"code":1,"flags":518,"namespace":"DYLD","indicator":"Library missing","details":["(terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)"],"reasons":["Library not loaded: \/usr\/local\/opt\/openssl@3\/lib\/libssl.3.dylib","Referenced from: \/Applications\/xPilot\/xPilot.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/xPilot","Reason: tried: '\/usr\/local\/opt\/openssl@3\/lib\/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '\/System\/Volumes\/Preboot\/Cryptexes\/OS\/usr\/local\/opt\/openssl@3\/lib\/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '\/usr\/local\/opt\/openssl@3\/lib\/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file), '\/usr\/lib\/libssl.3.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache)"]}, "extMods" : {"caller":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"system":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"targeted":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"warnings":0}, "faultingThread" : 0, "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":53522,"threadState":{"r13":{"value":140701925972256},"rax":{"value":33554953},"rflags":{"value":582},"cpu":{"value":0},"r14":{"value":1},"rsi":{"value":1},"r8":{"value":140701925971232},"cr2":{"value":4478464000},"rdx":{"value":140701925972256},"r10":{"value":118},"r9":{"value":0},"r15":{"value":6},"rbx":{"value":0},"trap":{"value":133},"err":{"value":33554953},"r11":{"value":582},"rip":{"value":140703314693202,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"rbp":{"value":140701925971200},"rsp":{"value":140701925971128},"r12":{"value":118},"rcx":{"value":140701925971128},"flavor":"x86_THREAD_STATE","rdi":{"value":6}},"frames":[{"imageOffset":441426,"symbol":"abort_with_payload","symbolLocation":10,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":548823,"symbol":"abort_with_payload_wrapper_internal","symbolLocation":82,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":548873,"symbol":"abort_with_payload","symbolLocation":9,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":43248,"symbol":"dyld4::halt(char const)","symbolLocation":375,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":31601,"symbol":"dyld4::prepare(dyld4::APIs&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer const)","symbolLocation":4526,"imageIndex":1},{"imageOffset":25533,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":1805,"imageIndex":1}]}], "usedImages" : [ { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 4422815744, "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "", "CFBundleIdentifier" : "", "size" : 40615936, "uuid" : "cf2ca454-699f-333d-8429-4b615e8366ee", "path" : "\/Applications\/xPilot\/xPilot.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/xPilot", "name" : "xPilot", "CFBundleVersion" : "" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "x86_64", "base" : 140703314251776, "size" : 624112, "uuid" : "3df96f32-b9c9-3566-a6b7-4daebc6d6563", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/dyld", "name" : "dyld" } ], "sharedCache" : { "base" : 140703313629184, "size" : 21474836480, "uuid" : "2434d7b8-6144-3aef-92fd-a483c33f40d2" }, "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=222.5M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=222.5M(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=8596K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=8596K(100%)\n\n VIRTUAL REGION \nREGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) \n=========== ======= ======= \nSTACK GUARD 56.0M 1 \nStack 8192K 1 \nVM_ALLOCATE 8K 2 \nDATA 795K 3 \nDATA_CONST 1028K 2 \nDATA_DIRTY 7K 1 \nLINKEDIT 183.2M 3 \nTEXT 39.3M 2 \ndyld private memory 260K 2 \nshared memory 4K 1 \n=========== ======= ======= \nTOTAL 288.6M 18 \n", "legacyInfo" : { "threadTriggered" : {

} }, "logWritingSignature" : "fc62188a64f20a71a80b7d5fd4ac2eb0aeb0fd0e", "trialInfo" : { "rollouts" : [ { "rolloutId" : "6297d96be2c9387df974efa4", "factorPackIds" : {

  "deploymentId" : 240000014
  "rolloutId" : "60186475825c62000ccf5450",
  "factorPackIds" : {

  "deploymentId" : 240000062

], "experiments" : [

] } }

Model: iMac18,3, BootROM 515., 4 processors, Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 4.2 GHz, 16 GB, SMC 2.41f2 Graphics: Radeon Pro 580, Radeon Pro 580, PCIe, 8 GB Display: iMac, Retina 5K (5120 x 2880), Main, MirrorOff, Online Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR4 SO-DIMM, 2400 MHz, 0x802C, 0x3841544631473634485A2D324733423220202020 Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR4 SO-DIMM, 2400 MHz, 0x802C, 0x3841544631473634485A2D324733423220202020 AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_wifi (0x14E4, 0x16F), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( AirPortDriverBrcmNIC-1772.1) AirPort: Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1 Serial ATA Device: APPLE HDD ST2000DM001, 2 TB USB Device: USB30Bus USB Device: USB3.1 Hub USB Device: USB2.1 Hub USB Device: LucidSound Battery Charger USB Device: Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) USB Device: Alpha Flight Controls USB Device: Arduino Leonardo USB Device: Saitek Pro Flight Quadrant USB Device: G-DRIVE mobile USB-C Thunderbolt Bus: iMac, Apple Inc., 41.5

justinshannon commented 8 months ago

Sorry about that. I just pushed a new version that fixes this. You will need to manually download beta 51 and install it.
