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Tabby reports issue when connecting to Calix Router #264

Closed isag33k closed 1 month ago

isag33k commented 1 month ago

When attempting to connect to our Calix core router using Tabby, I receive the following error:

An error occurred: io.xpipe.core.process.ProcessOutputException: Process did not start up properly and had to be killed: Shell did not respond on stderr within timeout interval. Does it have an stderr allocated?

XPipe requires the connection to provide a separate working stderr. Some connections, e.g. one that always allocate a tty/pty, merge all output into stdout only. If possible, try to make the connection not allocate a tty/pty or somehow fix other stderr issues.

I thought maybe I needed the Pro license, so I bought it . No issues there since Xpipe is a great product, but it did not resolve the issue. Any ideas on anything I can do on my side to work around this or is this something our network admin needs to change on the device side?

crschnick commented 1 month ago

Did you enable the option Don't interact with system for the SSH connection? This option is made for these systems that do not provide fully fledged shell connections

isag33k commented 1 month ago

Thank you! That has indeed resolved the issue. I appreciate the quick response as well! I am loving XPipe. Consolodating my connections and migrated from Termius.