Now that we have XDMs, we don't need "psvi-*" things. But do we need a way to specify that types are required? Would we want to do that by allowing users to import schemas?
On 2015-06-12, 14:20h: ndw assigned alexmilowski and htInEdin and unassigned alexmilowski and htInEdin.
ndw said on 2015-06-12, 14:22h:
ACTION: Henry and Alex to write up a proposal.
There's subtlety here with respect to the nature of the set of available schemas; for example, it appears that performing validation may (must?) add the types found in that process to theglobalset of available types.
On 2015-06-12, 14:34h: ndw added the awaiting-proposal label.
On 2015-10-07, 14:39h: ndw added this to the XProc 2.0 LC milestone.
Do we need p:import-schema?
Opened by: ndw on 2014-10-27, 18:59h
ndw said on 2014-10-27, 18:59h:
Now that we have XDMs, we don't need "psvi-*" things. But do we need a way to specify that types are required? Would we want to do that by allowing users to import schemas?
ndw said on 2015-02-04, 16:02h:
Still exploring, see
ndw said on 2015-06-12, 14:22h:
ACTION: Henry and Alex to write up a proposal.
There's subtlety here with respect to the nature of the set of available schemas; for example, it appears that performing validation may (must?) add the types found in that process to theglobalset of available types.