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Add a logo #1

Open mborgerson opened 6 years ago

mborgerson commented 6 years ago

This is really dependent on the XQEMU project itself having a logo. Currently we are just using the gamepad icon and a graduation cap favicon.

JayFoxRox commented 6 years ago

Here are some proposals, I'll probably come up with some more soon. I have a couple ideas and like these creative tasks.

Focus is on usability as icon, logo on website, banners or clothing.

Proposal 1

Just did this, not sure how good it looks as a logo or when downscaled. I also think there's another logo which looks very close to this, but I'm not sure what I might be thinking of.


Proposal 2

Had this one from a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, the original QEMU logo is copyrighted, and we'd have to ask for permission first:


Proposal 3

Also just did this mockup (a handful of issues though); it's more of an inspiration for another direction:


Proposal 4

Another direction which I really like, but it needs a better artist to pull it off probably:

xqemu-proposal-4 xqemu-proposal-4b

Proposal 5

Another one (imagine this one, but properly drawn):


Proposal 6

based on espes original design:


I'll probably also try to improve these in the future, so any feedback is appreciated.

mborgerson commented 6 years ago

Great work @JayFoxRox! Here's my feedback:

  1. I like this one, but the format may not work for icons. But maybe we just draw a box around it for icons? Or we could keep the X with the green Q in the middle too and drop the emu part in case of icons.
  2. I think this one could be problematic because of copyright, user confusion, etc.
  3. I like this one. It kind of reminds me of the big shiny X prototypes. I also like this one because it would make a nice badge type icon and remain readable at even very small resolutions.
  4. I like this one and think it's the most interesting, and I would like to see the design evolved a little bit. Some people might not get it right away. I do like having the font italicized and prefer the font on the right mockup over the left. xbox7887 suggested wireframe, maybe we can toy with that, or even a wireframe on one side transitioning to solid on the other. Another thing I like about this one is that we could also repurpose the flubber part without text and it would still be recognizable (exe icon, website favicon, for instance).
  5. I like this one, but I think it could also be problematic if it's just a little too close to the trademarked MS Xbox logo. To be honest though, I'm not sure where the line ends...surely they can't trademark the letter 'X' in a logo.
  6. Nice and simple! But maybe too reliant on the entire text being there as opposed to a smaller recognizable logo.

I think in the end we might want to have a couple variations of logos like you've shown, for different purposes (website logo, desktop icon, etc.).

MayeulC commented 6 years ago

For the sake of completeness, here's one I quickly put together for the matrix room about one month ago: logo svg rect

It's just a vectorized version of the original espes logo, with the "disc outline" (or whatever this is) from chihiro. I also thought about centering the X in the background, but haven't tried it. Of course, the font could/should be changed, but it might give you some ideas, though it probably has the same issues as the 6th proposal.

Otherwise, I quite like the fourth one from JayFox :)

dracc commented 6 years ago

I like @JayFoxRox's number four best this far. The first ones shape and second ones colors and font I believe would be a match made in heaven.

mborgerson commented 6 years ago

Please vote for your favorite here: https://goo.gl/forms/gKzNbSThAwXSQjlB3

mborgerson commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-07-01 at 2 52 52 pm
GXTX commented 5 years ago

I recently asked a friend if they would take a look into possibly making a logo for the org using the most popular concept (Prop.4). They are released under CC BY-SA. Thank you @abeerkhalaf!

1 18

mborgerson commented 4 years ago

Proposal by @heavyelement, migrated from xqemu/xqemu#255.

Hey all,

Hope it's okay that I'm sharing this here. If not, I apologize. Could you let me know where I could contact someone in the project?

Anyway, my name is Gardiner. I run a YouTube channel called The Linux Gamer. I love graphic design and I'm kind of a branding geek.

When I came across your project yesterday, I was excited. The original Xbox is my favorite console of all time... plus I love emulation. I couldn't seem to find a logo on your website, so I decided I'd try my hand at creating one...

In reality, I actually made two. One is a "wordmark" which captures the essence of the original Xbox wordmark


The second is a proper logo which is inspired by the iconic recessed X design

The "x" in "XQEMU" is implied by the fact it looks like an Xbox logo

If you would like to use these, incorporate them into your project somehow, whatever you'd like to do... please feel free to! I can submit them as a pull request if you'd like. Let me know how you'd like me to that and which repo to push to.

Also, these were designed in Inkscape as SVG files, so I can send the source SVG along, too!


mborgerson commented 4 years ago

Thank you to @heavyelement for designing the logos above! This is now my personal favorite proposal, but I would also like to hear from others about what they think. I'm still open to other proposals (or iterations) for now, especially ones involving the boot animation flubber or dashboard mesh elements--and we've had another person on XQEMU User Discord server express interest in designing a logo.

This has dragged on for far too long, largely because I think we have only had an idea of where we wanted to go with the logo, but nothing polished enough that we were ready to just go with it. I'd like to move forward with a logo within the next month or so--and right now my personal favorite is this proposal by @heavyelement. We can discuss this further and after soliciting feedback from everyone following this issue, then maintainers will make a final decision.

MayeulC commented 4 years ago

I really like @heavyelement's second proposal :)

Hurley666 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys,

I'm proposing the following logo for XQEMU. The concept is based off the front panel of the original xbox with an extruded wordmark. Hope you like it!


foxlet commented 4 years ago

I noticed the thread, and the closest idea I could think of without infringing on some Microsoft design is just simple geometric design.


JayFoxRox commented 4 years ago

I like the wordmark. However, I am worried that it is closer to the 360 or Xbox One style, than the brand-style of original Xbox. For original Xbox, they usually went with flashy and sparkly - and I consider that an important feature of the brand that we should capture somehow.

That said, I have still played around with this. I don't like them myself, but they might serve as base for other ideas (these are based on some flat drawings that were also shared on Discord a while ago):


foxlet commented 4 years ago

Some additional proposals for an AppIcon in both light and dark schemes.

Light version Dark version