xqu / biofeedback

visual audio biofeedback using EEG Sensor, JavaScript
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update protocol, save in a separate file #1

Closed xqu closed 6 years ago

xqu commented 6 years ago

update the protocol so that we always store the Muse data in a separate file

VenusMeow commented 6 years ago

Read muse's developer documentation and try to save the file to muse file and also osc file.

xqu commented 6 years ago


VenusMeow commented 6 years ago

Here's something they already have for saving to and converting between the native Muse file format (.muse), Matlab (HDF5), CSV, and .txt (OSC replay) formats. http://developer.choosemuse.com/research-tools/museplayer

xqu commented 6 years ago

明天开会之前,看懂现有程序,怎么连上muse band,那个文件,那几个function。 然后,寻找类似例子,如何调用Museplayer,在JavaScript里面,然后文件另存为什么格式。

xqu commented 6 years ago

在JavaScript里面,然后文件另存为什么格式。调用什么现有程序,比如muse player

xqu commented 6 years ago


xqu commented 6 years ago


xqu commented 6 years ago


VenusMeow commented 6 years ago


  1. 先建一个空的desired file e.g. Desktop/recording.txt (sidenote: 未来javascript需要code建空文档)
  2. 不要连muselab等其他软件占用port
  3. 之后指令:e.g. muse-player -l 5000 -O Desktop/recording.txt 就可以用了
werdnaH commented 6 years ago

新建文件recording.txt 于桌面之后,一下代码为向文件写入 5000端口的input PS C:\Users\Andrew> muse-player -l 5000 -O Desktop/recording.txt Muse Player 1.8.4 Input: 5000


xqu commented 6 years ago

我们现在新的需求是这样。我们的用户场景是不需要看线的,主需要存文件。处理文件,给出声音反馈,不需要图像反馈。原因是,我们假设用户看书和pdf的时候,眼睛关注在书和pdf上,线是distracting,所以,我们一切反馈都是从声音走。从最简单的audio notification开始,将来可能类似amazon alaxa,直接人机对话。

xqu commented 6 years ago

we continue the discussion in issue #9

xqu commented 6 years ago

we consider do the same way Muse company currently doing, think about the muse app, they already did 1. give same time audio notification (feedback) 2. save the files, 3. give you a summary at the end of your session, so we research how they did it, any code we can borrow, or any data we can use.

xqu commented 6 years ago

good question: web app or mobile, we expect to do both, whichever is a low-hanging fruit, we start first, basically, use existing solution as much as possible.

xqu commented 6 years ago

R spend time on Android, and Venus investigate iPhone.

xqu commented 6 years ago

merge to #13