xr0927 / chapter5-learning_CSRNet

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Hi,can I add your wechat? #1

Open WangZhi723 opened 4 years ago

WangZhi723 commented 4 years ago

I have some questions with the CSRNet running, I want to help, thanks! my wechat: zhiwangduan

zzzzasd123 commented 4 years ago

有一个非常小白的问题想请教一下 这个模型训练完以后可以识别数据集中没有的图片吗,我发现没有.h5文件可以调用 可能是我自己的问题

lucky437 commented 3 years ago

Do you have data augmentation matlab code?would you like to share with me ?Thank you !

Akbarkhan87 commented 3 years ago

CSRNet: Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks for Understanding the Highly Congested Scenes" in this paper you have provided the code publicly. I have retrained your model on Shanghai Tech part A, B respectively. So now I would like to train the same CSRNet model on UCF_CC_50 datasets so would you like to share me the code for UCF_CC_50 datasets. I will be very thankful to you for this.

Akbarkhan87 commented 3 years ago

@xr0927 Can you please help me in this code as I want to train the CSRNet model by UCF_CC_50 Datasets I am facing this problem