xraypy / xraylarch

Larch: Applications and Python Library for Data Analysis of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS, XANES, XAFS, EXAFS), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy and Imaging, and more.
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[Larix] Error exporting fit/statistics/components results from LCF #521

Open MDesmau opened 5 days ago

MDesmau commented 5 days ago


While trying to export the results from my LCF today, I run into this error (larix/larch version 0.9.78):

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\desmaum\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python311\site-packages\larch\wxxas\lincombo_panel.py", line 616, in onSaveGroupMultiFits write_ascii(path, header=header, label=label, _larch=_larch, *out) TypeError: write_ascii() got an unexpected keyword argument '_larch'

I removed '_larch=_larch' from the code on my computer (local) and it looks like it's working now (creation of .dat file with the LCF data in it, with data coherent with what I saw in Larix).

I don't know if it's a good fix for this error, but it might be worth looking into it.

Best, Morgane

newville commented 5 days ago

@MDesmau Thanks for the report - I fixed that in the development branch.