xreef / LoRa_E32_Series_Library

Arduino LoRa EBYTE E32 device library complete and tested with Arduino, esp8266, esp32, STM32 and Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040 boards). sx1278/sx1276
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not reading the received data #34

Closed CasamaMaker closed 2 years ago

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have two of the LoRa E32 1W devices (https://es.aliexpress.com/item/32791508935.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.274263c03mbIhS) with two arduino mega. I'm using this library and running the example named: sendReceiveTransparentTransmissionE32_TTL_1W. connecting all like specified:

  • E32-TTL-100----- Arduino UNO or esp8266
  • M0 ----- 3.3v (To config) GND (To send) 7 (To dinamically manage)
  • M1 ----- 3.3v (To config) GND (To send) 6 (To dinamically manage)
  • TX ----- PIN 2 (PullUP)
  • RX ----- PIN 3 (PullUP & Voltage divider)
  • AUX ----- Not connected (5 if you connect)
  • VCC ----- 3.3v/5v
  • GND ----- GND

the problem is when I send some data by SerialPort of arduinoTX, the SerialPort of arduinoRX don't receive nothing, despite that checking at the pin RX E32 with the oscilloscope, it show's that data is received.

  • I also added the following lines in Loop to skip the "possible library issue reading", but nothing different happened
if (mySerial.available() > 0){
  • the other possible option was that arduino wasn't able to read the data from E32 due low voltage of arround 3v. So, I added this other lines to check it... And every time the message is received, the led flash.
    if( digitalRead(4) == LOW ){
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);

So, now I finished my ideas to make it work. any idea will be welcome :blush: thanks in advance

xreef commented 2 years ago

Azz... sorry I lost this issue, I don't know if you fix the problem, but first of all enable debug and connect AUX pin to have more information. Sorry again Renzo

elpamyelhsa commented 2 years ago

I have been using this library without issues, can you confirm your code uses something like below.

LoRa_E32 e32ttl(&Serial2, E32_PIN_AUX, E32_PIN_M0, E32_PIN_M1, UART_BPS_RATE_9600);
[LOOP] if (e32ttl.available() > 0)
ResponseContainer rs = e32ttl.receiveMessageUntil('\n');
String message = rs.data;

Can you also confirm the TX>RX and RX>TX Pins are connected the right way around? To test if the E32 is responding I and reading its config on boot and check it is what I had set it too already.

ResponseStructContainer c;
c = e32ttl.getConfiguration();
Configuration configuration = *(Configuration *)c.data;

if (configuration.ADDL == MODULE_ADDL && configuration.ADDH == MODULE_ADDH && configuration.CHAN == MODULE_CHAN && configuration.OPTION.transmissionPower == RADIO_POWER && configuration.OPTION.wirelessWakeupTime == RADIO_WAKE_UP)
    Serial.println("Loaded E32 configuration from module.");
    Serial.println("Saving new E32 configuration to module.");
    configuration.ADDL = MODULE_ADDL;
    configuration.ADDH = MODULE_ADDH;
    configuration.CHAN = MODULE_CHAN;

    configuration.OPTION.fixedTransmission = FT_FIXED_TRANSMISSION; 
    configuration.OPTION.wirelessWakeupTime = RADIO_WAKE_UP;
    configuration.OPTION.fec = FEC_1_ON;
    configuration.OPTION.ioDriveMode = IO_D_MODE_PUSH_PULLS_PULL_UPS;
    configuration.OPTION.transmissionPower = RADIO_POWER;

    configuration.SPED.airDataRate = AIR_DATA_RATE_001_12;
    configuration.SPED.uartBaudRate = UART_BPS_9600;
    configuration.SPED.uartParity = MODE_00_8N1;
    e32ttl.setConfiguration(configuration, WRITE_CFG_PWR_DWN_SAVE);

xreef commented 2 years ago

@elpamyelhsa answer and my confirmation close the issue. Thanks to @elpamyelhsa

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wasn't testing it in a time....

thank you all for the answer @xreef and @elpamyelhsa :-)

I've been testing using the code-exemple "SendReceiveTransparentTransmissionE32_TTL_1W" (and all of others, ofcorse.... controlling all pins AUX, M0, M1 by the arduino).... With that, I suppose it answer your questions, isn't it?

just changing the ADDL, ADDH, and CHAN as you can see below

and my results has been that: (w/o any interection between each one) image

This is the pinout used: LoRa_E32 e32ttl100(3, 2, 5, 7, 6); (and switching RX and TX to skip this issue)

Thank you alot again

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @RaspiGame, for transparent transmission you must set the same ADDH ADDL and Channel. Bye Renzo

elpamyelhsa commented 2 years ago

@RaspiGame You need to use sendFixedMessage to send messages from a different ADDL, ADDH. CHAN of the transmitter. When you send a message you will need to specify the receivers ADDL, ADDH, CHAN. If they are the same, you can then omit these settings and use Transparent Transmission.

ResponseStatus rs;
rs = e32ttl.sendFixedMessage(RADIO_ADDH, RADIO_ADDL, RADIO_CHAN, "HELLO WORLD");

Also note, it is best practice to include a radio check to test the RX and TX pins as per the code sample above, it will also limit how many times the flash memory is written to the E32 module as to not wear it out. The output should only show "Saving new E32 configuration to module." if it is a config change and on first boot. Every boot after that will show "Loaded E32 configuration from module." to prove the module is responding. The message "Loaded E32 configuration from module." on every boot will imply a wiring fault.

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago


I've tried with example: "sendReceiveFixedMessageStructure"

and this is the result: (nothing received) image

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @RaspiGame, You must set the same speed as air, baud, and the other parameter. The configurations are different between the two devices. Bye Renzo

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

I've been working in it, creating a pcb to work easily.

image with this schematic in RF part (connected to Atmel328 micro) image

Running "receiveFixedTransmissionStruct" and "sendFixedTransmissionStruct" examples

with following changes:

As you can see all parameters are identical (*excepte ADDL, ADDH, CHAN). But it don't work sending message. Why "HEAD" is 0 0 0 if the communication works?

Running "sendReceiveTransparentTransmissionE32_1W"

image As you can see all parameters are identical (*include ADDL, ADDH, CHAN). But still don't work sending. Some time they read the "HEAD" and other time not, why? Could be a signal of device damage?

enable debug

as @xreef said: "first of all enable debug and connect AUX pin to have more information."

How can I do that by arduino? Or I need USB-serial?

Thanks in advance

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

The antena could be the problem? I'm using this one: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/4000124517198.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2esp&spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.274263c0sXNztG instead one of 433MHz ':)

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @RaspiGame, very beautiful.

to have more debug information, you must uncomment the define on the LoRa_E32.h file // Uncomment to enable printing out nice debug messages. // #define LoRa_E32_DEBUG

I think the antenna isn't so important, but If the device stays too close sometimes causes a problem.

Bye Renzo

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

Thanks @xreef for quick answer!

i've tested it with this results: (this pin config LoRa_E32 e32ttl(20, 21, 5, 6, 7); for "Arduino uno" uC) sendReceiveTransparentTransmissionE32_TTL_1W example image

As I can undestand it should work... right? But when I send a message it's not received for the other one... so I'm KO haha

send/receiveFixedTransmissionStruct example image

One observation: uncomenting this // #define LoRa_E32_DEBUG with last vertion 1.5.4 I've got the following error, but not in previous versions 1.5.3 and 1.5.2 (hope helps this info) image

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @RaspiGame, I think you must put 5v (with a good amperage) to the VCC pin of LoRa E32. And use max power 30db.

But the device seems not to work, the first read of the configuration returns wrong data.

Try with more power, and write configuration only one time, but write the reader configuration every time.

Bye Renzo

xreef commented 2 years ago

And delete line 550 that gives the error. I will release the fix soon.

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

what a mistake!!! it works!!!

now, with this pcb boards, was a rx tx configuration issue ':)

Thanks for your support. I invite you a beer!! Enjoy it

PS: fix issue confirmed ;)

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hehehe.. good. If you want share your projects/ideas I host them on my site. Bye Renzo

CasamaMaker commented 2 years ago

I'll keep it in mind when I finish the project!