xreef / SimpleFTPServer

A simple FTP server for Arduino, ArduinoSAMD WiFiNINA, esp8266, esp32, stm32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W
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Some FTP clients may disconnect TCP sessions just after connected #20

Closed cat-in-136 closed 11 months ago

cat-in-136 commented 2 years ago

Some FTP clients such as gftp sometimes sends an RST packet and disconnect the TCP session before receiving all 220-- responses just after connecting.

The first 220- responses are consisting of the following 112 bytes (when welcomeMessage is default):

220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2022-03-11    --

Subsequent messages are similar. This behavior depends on esp32 library's Nagle algorithm implementation.

When the messages are segmented excessively and there is a certain large latency between the server (esp32) and the client, some client seems to send an RST packet to disconnect.

cat-in-136 commented 2 years ago

Sometimes the first six bytes of 220--- is sent on the only packet.

This boundary is come from the execution unit of client.print().

  client.print(F("220---")); client.print(welcomeMessage); client.println(F(" ---"));

So this issue can be resolved by storing the message in a buffer and sending it to the client when all messages stored. For example, the following workaround code:

template <size_t N = 256>
class StringPrintBuffer : public Print {
    virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) override {
      if (_size + size < N) {
        memcpy(_buf + _size, buffer, size);
        _size += size;
        return size;
      } else {
        return 0;
    virtual size_t write(uint8_t c) override {
      if (_size < N) {
        _buf[_size++] = c;
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

    const char* buffer() { return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(_buf); };
    const size_t size() { return _size; };
    size_t _size = 0;
    uint8_t _buf[N] = {0};

// ...snip...

  StringPrintBuffer<256> response;
  response.print(F("220---")); response.print(welcomeMessage); response.println(F(" ---"));
  response.println(F("220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---"));
  response.print(F("220 --    Version ")); response.print(FTP_SERVER_VERSION); response.println(F("    --"));
  client.write(response.buffer(), response.size());

This can occur in any other response and it is necessary to apply the change to all responses.

xreef commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @cat-in-136, I must test the memory usage, when I return home probably I allow to select the buffer. I use this library with Arduino Mega also with few memory. Bye Renzo

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @cat-in-136, can you help me to replicate the problem?

And if you can, can you try to set this parameter (like explained here). WiFi.setSleep(false);

Thanks Bye Renzo

xreef commented 2 years ago

Hi @cat-in-136, I try with gftp but no disconnection, It's working well without a problem. Can you help me to replicate the issue? Bye Renzo

xreef commented 2 years ago

I try to do a double system to generate client write, but I need some time. Bye Renzo

cat-in-136 commented 2 years ago


I understand my fix is ad-hoc and is not good from memory usage perspective.

Unfortunately, WiFi.setSleep(false); does not resolve the issue on my environment.

Environment details:

The packet capture is as follows: wireshark where is my linux PC (ftp client), is M5Stack. RST were generated by gftp. Line 78-89 were generated by gftp's connection retry.

I originally saw this issue with my private app on M5Paper v1.1. After that, I reproduced this issue on other device M5Stack Basic. Does this issue only occurs on M5 product series 🤔!?

xreef commented 2 years ago

Probably on M5 the latency is managed with different parameters, but I try to buffer the response (not now but in the future when I have more time). I also need help with a lot of projects and tutorials if you are interested :P I leave this issue open to remember, if you discover something else write here. Bye Renzo

cat-in-136 commented 1 year ago

I purchased and got ESP32-DevKitC V4 (board = esp32dev) which is not a M5Stack family product but a espressif official board. The esp32dev board does not have an SD card slot unlike M5Stack, I used a MicroSD card breakout board and connect it and esp32dev to handle SD card as same as M5Stack.

But, unfortunately, this issue was still reproduced with ESP32-DevKitC V4 on my environment. :cry: I believe I need to review my environment such as pio etc...

Environment details:

LFrank2021 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I just started with my first project and am running into the same problem. Model ESP8266 WEMOS D1 mini WiFi mode STA Client Windows 10 command line ftp

I needed several attempt to get the password prompt at the correct time:

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> open esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung zu esp8266.ftp.server besteht bereits. Beenden Sie die Verbindung zuerst.
ftp> bye
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> bye
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> stat
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
Typ: ascii; Verbose: EIN ; Bell: AUS ; Prompt: EIN ; Glob: EIN
Debug: AUS ; Hash: AUS
ftp> esp8266
Ungültiger Befehl
ftp> quit
331 Ok. Password required

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
221 Goodbye
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)):
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
ftp> bye

ftp esp8266.ftp.server
Verbindung mit esp8266.ftp.server wurde hergestellt.
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
Benutzer (esp8266.ftp.server:(none)): esp8266
221 Goodbye
220---Welcome to Simply FTP server ---
220---   By Renzo Mischianti   ---
220 --    Version 2.1.3 (2022-09-20)    --
331 Ok. Password required
230 Ok
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Accepted data connection to port 50996
drwxrwsr-x      2       esp8266 4096    Jan 01  1970    logs
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 16:06    version.txt
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 14:44    version2.txt
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 7       Nov 26 15:23    version4.txt
226 4 matches total
FTP: 197 Bytes empfangen in 0.09Sekunden 2.32KB/s
ftp> cd logs
250 Directory changed to /logs
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful
150 Accepted data connection to port 50997
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 17088   Nov 27 11:11    general.log
-rw-rw-r--      1       esp8266 11508   Nov 27 11:10    vitwifi.log
226 2 matches total
FTP: 109 Bytes empfangen in 0.09Sekunden 1.21KB/s

Hope this helps a bit.

Cheers, Frank

LFrank2021 commented 1 year ago

I had a really bad day today and took a look at the source code. Took me a while but after changing this line it is way more stable.

Granted, I do not exactly know when this 'else' is used:

FtpServer.cpp: Line 484 - 413 (

  else if( CommandIs( "AUTH" ))
    client.println(F("502 ") );
  //  Unrecognized commands at stage of authentication
  else if( cmdStage < FTP_Cmd )
    client.println(F("530 ") );
---   cmdStage = FTP_Stop;
+++   cmdStage = FTP_User;

Reasoning: After the MS ftp.exe opens the connection a OPTS command is send. After that the USER command should be initiated. It seems that after the OPTS gets handled the program runs into this 'else' tree.

xreef commented 1 year ago

Hi @LFrank2021, I think the problem differs from the one proposed by @cat-in-136, but it can be a good point to do additional tests.

But what means "more stable", sometimes It's working.

Bye Renzo

LFrank2021 commented 1 year ago

Hi @xreef yes, sometimes the client connected fine. How to explain it? I am currently heavily experimenting with my first own project. And am stressing the little ESP8266 (maybe) to its limits: HTTP, FTP, LittleFS (for debugging), VitoWiFi And it seems to me, the more (especially FS logging) it has to do, the more instable the FTP-server got. Lately, prior to my manipulation, I was unable to get any connection. Always a 530 message (without 'TIMEOUT') and no prompt for PASS.

Right now I am again strugeling with ftp.exe but FileZilla is able to connect reliable.

Kind regards Frank

xreef commented 11 months ago

After some time, this bug seems no longer appears. Thanks to all