xremap / xremap

Key remapper for X11 and Wayland
MIT License
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Can Caps Lock be used both as the Esc key(single press-release) and as a virtual modifier? #509

Open marsjane opened 1 month ago

marsjane commented 1 month ago

I use Capslock as virtual-modifiers and it works fine, then I tried to also map it to Esc in modmap, but it seems the virtual-modifiers behaviour of Capslock would then be ineffective. Is there any advice on this?

dpc commented 1 week ago
> cat ~/.config/xremap/config.yml
  - name: CapsLock to RightCtrl/Esc
        held: Ctrl_R
        alone: Esc
        alone_timeout_millis: 200

  - name: RightCtrl+hjkl to Arrows
      Ctrl_R-h: Left
      Ctrl_R-l: Right
      Ctrl_R-j: Down
      Ctrl_R-k: Up
  - name: RightCtrl + Esc to "~ and `"
      Ctrl_R-Esc: Grave
      Ctrl_R-S-Esc: S-Grave
      Ctrl_R-Grave: Grave
      Ctrl_R-S-Grave: S-Grave

  - name: RightCtrl + n to Fn"
      Ctrl_R-1: F1
      Ctrl_R-2: F2
      Ctrl_R-3: F3
      Ctrl_R-4: F4
      Ctrl_R-5: F5
      Ctrl_R-6: F6
      Ctrl_R-7: F7
      Ctrl_R-8: F8
      Ctrl_R-9: F9
      Ctrl_R-0: F10
      Ctrl_R-Minus: F11
      Ctrl_R-Equal: F12

  - name: RightCtrl + other
      Ctrl_R-P: KEY_PRINT