xresch / EngineeredMonitoringPlatform

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Download button on CSV Table widget #6

Open bittner opened 3 weeks ago

bittner commented 3 weeks ago

The CSV Table widget has the ability to let the user switch the display to "CSV". In theory, users could hence:

  1. switch Display As to "CSV"
  2. set the Page Size to the maximum
  3. select the displayed data (e.g. using the mouse)
  4. copy+paste it into a text editor or spreadsheet application (e.g. LibreOffice Calc, Microsoft Excel)

Usability Feedback

We've had feedback from our principal users (clients) that they'd like a Download button instead, which would directly trigger an actual download.

xresch commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @bittner,

download option has been added to the query command "display", which allows to display a download button: https://github.com/xresch/CoreFramework/commit/3dced43e398c5ac208cd6e99b98cf05fe83e79c5


Will be available in the next release.

Cheers Reto