xrtlab / Validated-Avatar-Library-for-Inclusion-and-Diversity---VALID

MIT License
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Avatars converted to glTF and multi-users example on the web #1

Closed vincentfretin closed 9 months ago

vincentfretin commented 9 months ago

Thank you for making those avatars available with a MIT license!

I wrote a multi-users example with A-Frame (that's using threejs) and networked-aframe with a UI to select the avatar and I added an idle and walking animations on those avatars, you can see yourself in a mirror. Demo: https://naf-valid-avatars.glitch.me/ GitHub: https://github.com/networked-aframe/naf-valid-avatars

To be able to use those avatars I converted in https://github.com/c-frame/valid-avatars-glb the 200 avatars from fbx to glb with blender and gltf-transform optimize with meshopt compression reducing the size by two (see scripts folder in the repo if you're curious), and also extracted all images from the pdf and produced a json file with all the avatars and path to the image and glb.

Some mistakes I found in your pdf:

If you do other avatars in the future, please consider putting all the images in a folder with the same name as the fbx file, that would be awesome.

Zyrcant commented 9 months ago

Wow, thanks for the demo!! That is super cool. I'll link your repo in the Readme to signal boost it :-)

Thanks for pointing out the typos in the pdf (The AIAN avatar should be F_1 instead of F_2). I went ahead and fixed all typos.