xsanisty / SlimBoard

Starter Application built on Slim Framework in MVC (and HMVC) environment
MIT License
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Problem to run install.php #5

Closed bagusflyer closed 10 years ago

bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

I installed the SlimStarter based on your instruction. Everything is fine until I run install.php. The connection check is ok. Then it stops at install.php/db/configure with blank screen. Then I check the error.log, I found:

] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function createUser() on a non-object in /va
r/web/vendor/illuminate/support/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Facade.php on li
ne 208, referer: http://www.web.com/install.php

Can you help ? Thanks

bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

When I created a user name and a password directly in database in phpmyadin and login to the system. Then I have no problem to create new user.

ikhsan017 commented 10 years ago

just push the quick fix, try to re-create the project

bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

Got another error message. I don't know it matters or not. (It seems that I can still download it)

Failed to download xsanisty/slim-starter from source: Failed to clone git@github.com:xsanisty/SlimStarter.git, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.

sh: 1: git: not found

Now trying to download from dist
bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I accidentally close the issue.

ikhsan017 commented 10 years ago

no problem, if git was not found, composer will fallback to dist, by downloading the zip ball from the repository

bagusflyer commented 10 years ago

ok, thanks.Then consider closed.