xseany / -NewCo-

Refactoring entrepreneurship and scaling for-purpose enterprises.
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Reactions (Sessions #5) #19

Open RashidGilanpour opened 7 years ago

RashidGilanpour commented 7 years ago

Carlo Monsanto -I come from a consciousness based philosophy of the way we work, core realization, which I see here. Looking for multiplicity across the different disciplines, which is also what I find when I work across roles and skills. My purpose with investing in this project would be to further the development of a vision that I've had for many many years, which is to help people become more connected with themselves with their won capacities to recognize what they...

I'm very interested to see whether there are other players in the network who I can work with. We have 2 entities. 1 is a non-profit, 1 is a DW for-profit. Both are in startup mode.

Why I would like to explore this opportunity... to meet, share, collaborate with other, develop products, services, educational programs that can uplift humanity and shift humanity's consciousness so that together we can develop a more sustainable...

Mariem Khemir -Wherever you're coming from we are all facing the same challenges and problems, and I assume all of us working together on solving these problems are best. The solution you are offering was a bit unclear but having this session has made it more clear.

I'm really interested to see what others have to offer. I assume there are some criteria on how to decide the on the participants and I assume that working all of us together would be some ideal.

I'm really curious about what others are going to offer since we are all coming from different backgrounds. It would be amazing to see what all of us can come together and bring out if it.