xsens / xsens_mti_ros_node

ROS node driver for Xsens devices.
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Testing on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo - MT error: not an available XKF scenario #60

Open WilliamWoo45 opened 3 years ago

WilliamWoo45 commented 3 years ago

Dear @StevenXsens,

Hi! I've successfully build the Xsens ros node on Ubuntu 14.04 system with ROS Indigo. However, when I try to run the node (roslaunch xsens_driver xsens.launch), there is an error saying that: "mtdef.MTException: MT error: not an available XKF scenario", as shown in the figure below.


Any solution for this?

Thanks and best regards, William

WilliamWoo45 commented 3 years ago

Besides, I tried to download the software from your official website but also failed (as shown below, says not available).


Is any of your older version software that can support the Ubuntu 14.04 system with ROS Indigo?

Steven-GH commented 3 years ago

Hello @WilliamWoo45,

I believe that you are using an MTI-10 IMU, is that correct? If so, the MTi-10 IMU does not support any filter profiles (unlike the MTi-20 VRU and MTi-30 AHRS which have on-board sensor fusion algorithms) which explains the error you are getting. A quick fix should be to set _configure_onstartup to false in src/xsens_driver/config/xsens.yaml.

Regarding the latest software download: Could you please check that page again? When I checked it just now, it said that the latest MT Software Suite is available for download. I do want to add that the latest MT Software Suite is designed for Ubuntu 18, but it is still worth to try the ROS driver that is included with it.

WilliamWoo45 commented 3 years ago

Dear @StevenXsens,

Thanks for your prompt reply!

Actaully, I'm using MTi-20 VRU. However, when I set _configure_onstartup to false in src/xsens_driver/config/xsens.yaml, it has rostopic but there is NO messages inside all the rostopic. It only works when I set the _outputmode to 2, and only the rostopic /mti/sensor/imu, /mti/sensor/magnetic have messages. The rostopic /mti/filter/orientation, /mti/filter/position and /mti/filter/velocity are empty. Any solution for this?

Besides, regarding your previous answer, I'm wondering why the MTi-20 is NOT able to output the referenced Yaw angle with respect to the magnetic North? Something as simple as the compass or the magnetometer inside the mobile phone can do that.

Further more, I downloaded the MTi software from your official website and unpacked it. I followed the installation instructions in the MTSS.README file, but neither did the "mtmanager" nor the "magfieldmapper_gui" is executable (as shown below). So how could I install and make them executable? mtmanager

Thanks and Best Regards, William

Steven-GH commented 3 years ago


If you are using the MTi-20, then it does indeed support a filter profile, but only profile number 43 (as the .yaml file also indicates).

The MTi-20 does not compute estimates of position and velocity - only GNSS-enabled devices such as the MTi-G-710 can. Of course it is possible to use gyroscope and magnetometer data to estimate relative position and velocity, but this will suffer from significant drift over time due to integration errors. /mti/filter/orientation should however be available, but only with output mode 3 (filter estimates).

Of course the MTi-20 also features an internal magnetometer, from which you could directly calculate an estimate of the heading, but these heading measurements will not be reliable if magnetic distortions are present in the environment of the MTi. AHRS models such as the MTi-30 include algorithms that fuse the magnetometer data with the gyroscopes and accelerometers in order to produce a stable heading estimate, even in magnetically disturbed environments. The MTi-20 is a model that is designed for applications that do not require a (North-referenced) Yaw estimate. It is mostly used for indoor robotics, stabilization of platforms, marine applications, etc.

Regarding the Linux programs; could you try to open a terminal and execute using ./mtmanager? Note also that there are some dependencies that need to be installed, which are described in the doc folder.

danielschwartz3 commented 3 years ago

@StevenXsens I am unable to open mtmanager as well. When I try ./mtmanager in my linux terminal I get an error saying "-bash: ./mtmanager: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error"

Steven-GH commented 3 years ago

@danielschwartz3 Sorry, there could be different things that can cause this error. Since this is not related to the ROS driver, could you contact Xsens Support via the following form, stating your MT Software Suite version, Linux OS version and what hardware you are using? https://xsenstechnologies.force.com/knowledgebase/s/contactsupport