daryl$ ./isaax d s
[+] Welcome to Isaax device configuration tool. Log file location: /var/folders/wy/bxm050ps2bl8j_lc4g3n0dfc0000gn/T/isaax-cli.log
[?] IP address of the device or '-' to go back:
[+] Validating IP address:
[?] SSH username or '-' to go back: pi
[+] SSH password: *********
[+] Executing sudo -S cat /etc/isaax-agent.json pi@
[-] unexpected end of JSON input
from log file
[37mDEBU[0m[0000] DeviceShow func()
[31mERRO[0m[0012] Error unmarshalling DeviceConfig jsonunexpected end of JSON input
When i run
isaax device show
I get this errorfrom log file