Extract image as root like sudo tar xjvf <fileName>
Find your SD card mount point with command df
In the image folder there is script called update.sh, run this script with the mount point of your SD card as a parameter like this ./update.sh -o /media/KERNAL
Connect to the board
Connect your toradex board to your host machine and find which port it is connected to. You can use a command like sudo dmesg | grep tty to find which port.
Connect to the board using a screen with this command sudo screen -T vt100 /dev/<port> 115200
Reboot the board and enter Recovery Mode. You do this by pressing the spacebar key before linux starts to boot. Or it can also be done by using tweezers to short 2 pins on the board (see image in the documentation)
Insert your prepared SD card into the board.
Run the command run setupdate
Run the command run update
The device will begin flashing sequence
This will be complicated to develop as you do not have the board and it may not be that easy (cheap) to get. So it will take lots of co-operation and frustration to get it done. We want to finish this in August.
We were able to flash this board manually, it is similar in some ways to how you flash edison. We were basically following this guide http://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/flashing-linux-on-imx6-modules
Here is the sequence of steps we took to flash the board.
Prepare SD card
Download linux image from toradex site from here http://developer1.toradex.com/files/toradex-dev/uploads/media/Colibri/Linux/Images/
Extract image as root like
sudo tar xjvf <fileName>
Find your SD card mount point with command
In the image folder there is script called
, run this script with the mount point of your SD card as a parameter like this./update.sh -o /media/KERNAL
Connect to the board
Connect your toradex board to your host machine and find which port it is connected to. You can use a command like
sudo dmesg | grep tty
to find which port.Connect to the board using a screen with this command
sudo screen -T vt100 /dev/<port> 115200
Reboot the board and enter
Recovery Mode
. You do this by pressing the spacebar key before linux starts to boot. Or it can also be done by using tweezers to short 2 pins on the board (see image in the documentation)Flash
Insert your prepared SD card into the board.
Run the command
run setupdate
Run the command
run update
The device will begin flashing sequence
This will be complicated to develop as you do not have the board and it may not be that easy (cheap) to get. So it will take lots of co-operation and frustration to get it done. We want to finish this in August.