xsoh / moment-hijri

A Hijri calendar (Based on Umm al-Qura calculations) plugin for moment.js
MIT License
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How can I initialize moment hijri with millesconds and get the hijri date #45

Open d-mance opened 5 years ago

d-mance commented 5 years ago


I am trying to get the hijri date based on unix time but i am getting gregorian date instead.

const justNow = new Date(); const momentHijriNow = momentHijri.unix(justNow.valueOf() / 1000); console.log('momentHijri now', momentHijriNow.format('iYYYY/iM/iD')); // momentHijri now i2019/i2/i6

Maybe I am doing really wrong :S

Thanks for your job ;)

mazenadel19 commented 2 years ago

any luck finding a solution? I'm stuck with the same problem