xsp1989 / zigbeeFirmware

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Multiprotocol firmware for SM-011/ZB-GW03 #38

Closed fhloston closed 11 months ago

fhloston commented 1 year ago

Can a multiprotocol firmware be produced for this module?

Is the signed firmware a hard requirement?

Can the SWD/jtag be used to flash arbitrary new firmware with new bootloader?

Is it an issue that the ESP32 platform does not support hardware flow control?

I assume higher than 115200 UART speeds can be used?

fhloston commented 1 year ago

Can the SWD/jtag be used to flash arbitrary new firmware with new bootloader?

Apparently yes, has been done 2 years ago: https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy/discussions/586#discussioncomment-413477

xsp1989 commented 1 year ago

In general, the baud rate of 115200 is a more suitable baud rate, stability and communication speed. The signature is a software requirement, you can use jlink to refresh the bootloader to lift the restriction

fhloston commented 1 year ago

What I learned so far from reading up on the multiprotocol add-on is that the 115200 baudrate is not enough for zigbee and thread. I may have misread that though.