xspec / oXygen-XML-editor-xspec-support

An oxygen XML Editor plugin intended to help those that create XSpec scenarios.
MIT License
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Button to rerun failed tests in results view #17

Closed jelovirt closed 7 years ago

jelovirt commented 7 years ago

Add a button to results view to rerun only failed tests.

AlexJitianu commented 7 years ago

Currently, the XSpec way of running a set of particular tests is to set the focus attribute on them. I would prefer not to touch the XSpec files for this and to be able to pass as a parameter to the XSLTs the names of the scenarios to be executed. Or perhaps someone has a better idea about how this could be done....

jelovirt commented 7 years ago

When the XSpec file is converted to a XSLT with a unique mode per test, right? If you modify the compiler XSLT so that it's easy to determine which scenario matches which mode (e.g. using a counter), then you could run the XSLT starting immediately from the scenario specific mode. Or, you could modify the compiler XSLT to output the name of the mode in the results XML.

(If you had this, then you could actually run e.g. 4 XSLT processes in parallel as an optimization.)

AlexJitianu commented 7 years ago

Indeed, the compiler generates a named template with an unique name for each scenario. I've overridden the name generation and I now generate an unique name using the scenario label as a seed (the chances for two scenarios to have the same name are pretty slim so I've decided to leave it like this for now). The result is that I can control which templates are invoked through a driver XSLT that imports the compiled XSLT. I've also released a new version that contains this feature.