The following error is raied in unit-report-oxygen.xsl:
[xslt] [...]\\oxygen-results-view\unit-report-oxygen.xsl:192:0: Fatal Error! Cannot create an attribute node (code) whose parent is a document node. Most recent element start tag was output at line -1 of module *unknown*
Please let me know if I can clarify something.
Given the following named template:
with the following scenario:
The test succeeds and everything goed as planned. However, when I change the expect to fail the scenario:
The following error is raied in unit-report-oxygen.xsl:
[xslt] [...]\\oxygen-results-view\unit-report-oxygen.xsl:192:0: Fatal Error! Cannot create an attribute node (code) whose parent is a document node. Most recent element start tag was output at line -1 of module *unknown*
Please let me know if I can clarify something.