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XSpec is a unit test and behaviour-driven development (BDD) framework for XSLT, XQuery, and Schematron.
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AppVeyor Maven packaging fails because Maven 3.6.0 is too old #1893

Open galtm opened 4 months ago

galtm commented 4 months ago

Creating this issue to continue from my comment, https://github.com/xspec/xspec/pull/1875#issuecomment-2010407662

Cc: @cmarchand

Maven versions in different testing environments

That same AppVeyor log linked from my last comment lists the Maven version as 3.6.0.

=== Print Maven version
Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3; 2018-10-24T18:41:47Z)
Maven home: C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\Maven\bin\..
Java version: 1.8.0_162, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.8.0\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows server 2012 r2", version: "6.3", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

Meanwhile, our other test runs use Maven 3.8.7. The GitHub Actions windows-latest/java8/saxon12 session lists

=== Print Maven version
Apache Maven 3.8.7 (b89d5959fcde[85](https://github.com/xspec/xspec/actions/runs/8360417930/job/22886049749#step:5:86)1dcb1c8946a785a163f14e1e29)
Maven home: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\apache-maven-3.8.7
Java version: 1.8.0_402, vendor: Temurin, runtime: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Java_Temurin-Hotspot_jdk\8.0.402-6\x64\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows server 2022", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

while the windows-latest/java17/saxon12 session lists

=== Print Maven version
Apache Maven 3.8.7 (b[89](https://github.com/xspec/xspec/actions/runs/8360417930/job/22886051515#step:5:90)d5959fcde851dcb1c8946a785a163f14e1e29)
Maven home: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\apache-maven-3.8.7
Java version: 17.0.10, vendor: Eclipse Adoptium, runtime: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Java_Temurin-Hotspot_jdk\17.0.10-7\x64
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows server 2022", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

and the Azure Pipelines Win_Java8 Saxon-12 log lists

=== Print Maven version
Apache Maven 3.8.7 (b89d5959fcde851dcb1c8946a785a163f14e1e29)
Maven home: C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\apache-maven-3.8.7
Java version: 1.8.0_402, vendor: Temurin, runtime: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Java_Temurin-Hotspot_jdk\8.0.402-6\x64\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows server 2022", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

History of Maven testing on AppVeyor

664 : Introduced but disabled because Maven image wasn't available on AppVeyor

678 : Enabled when AppVeyor had Maven image

galtm commented 4 months ago

Do we need to request a particular Maven version in appveyor.yml, such as by adding a MAVEN_VERSION line as below?

    # Non-mainstream jobs are not included in favor of GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines
    - XSPEC_TEST_ENV: saxon-12
cmarchand commented 4 months ago

Yes, probably. ut we could also go to the latest Maven version : 3.9.6


cmarchand commented 4 months ago

This has no consequence on what we build / deliver. It's just on how it's built...

galtm commented 4 months ago

This has no consequence on what we build / deliver. It's just on how it's built...

Good clarification. I changed the title of this issue to convey that it's not the package that fails but rather the packaging process (attempting to build the package) that fails.

galtm commented 4 months ago

To enable #1833 to avoid this failure, I disabled the Maven operations in AppVeyor (ee4ba74e879ba2a5cf5466a7373ce0d0e84971c7) as part of that PR. This issue can remind us to re-enable it after we find a solution.