xsuchy / fedora-upgrade

Upgrade Fedora to next version using DNF upgrade without the need to reboot during the upgrade.
GNU General Public License v2.0
43 stars 16 forks source link


Closed dreua closed 1 year ago

dreua commented 1 year ago


Can someone help me out here? What purpose does the XXXXXXXXXXXX have? Thanks :)

xsuchy commented 1 year ago

Git blame points me to https://github.com/xsuchy/fedora-upgrade/commit/0bdbe06f70eec30b60845ca860e7ebe31b8bc34e

dreua commented 1 year ago

I know git blame but still fail to understand the reason for XXXX... Is it just a variable / placeholder? Why not give it a more meaningful name?

xsuchy commented 1 year ago

When you have new repository, from which DNF never imported GPG key, then the user experience is as follows:

echo Gathering package list for Fedora $UPGRADE_FROM ... wait. ... dnf is downloading data, packages.... ... wait (you likely go away from keyboard ... dnf asks you to import gpg key .... wait ... you return to keyboard in hope that the transaction finished and it did not even start yet

With this line, I ask if package XXXXXX exists. It does not exist. I know but DNF is forced to download repodata and asks you for missing GPG key. So the experience is: echo Gathering package list for Fedora $UPGRADE_FROM ... dnf asks you to import gpg key ... wait ... wait (you likely go away from keyboard) ... wait ... you return back and everything is finished)

dreua commented 1 year ago

Alright so it is just a placeholder for a not existing package name, I might have called it something like xxx_nonexistent_package_xxx to be more explicit about its purpose. Thanks for the clarification!