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Change the Console.readLine() API #190

Closed ggleyzer closed 6 months ago

ggleyzer commented 6 months ago

The gist of the change is to add the "prompt" argument to the "readLine" API:

String readLine(String prompt = "", Boolean suppressEcho = False)

First, IMHO it's not a bad consolidation of steps that basically always come together - printing a prompt, suppressing a new line, immediately followed by the readLine() call.

However, I would not consider changing it right now if I didn't step on the following anomaly.

While trying to integrate jline support into the native TerminalConsole I observed a very weird behavior. When I used the readLine API that takes a prompt as an argument, everything behaved correctly. If I did it in two steps, printing the prompt first and calling prompt-less readLine() method next, the line editing (back space) could remove the prompt as it were a part of the entered string itself.

To avoid that behavior we would need either report a bug with jline and wait for a resolution or change our "readLine" to take the prompt.