When I compile (mvn install) this example project I got:
[ERROR] ERROR:The type Superman is already defined in Super.hero. (file:/F:/javaee/eclipse_mars_workspace/maven-xtext-example/example-project/src/main/java/Super.model line : 1)
The workaround is mvn clean install, but when we have deals with big projects, this is not suitable workaround.
I observe the same problem like the following https://github.com/xtext/maven-xtext-example/issues/12 with the master of maven-xtext-example project.
When I compile (mvn install) this example project I got:
[ERROR] ERROR:The type Superman is already defined in Super.hero. (file:/F:/javaee/eclipse_mars_workspace/maven-xtext-example/example-project/src/main/java/Super.model line : 1)
The workaround is mvn clean install, but when we have deals with big projects, this is not suitable workaround.