xtgo / set

General, type-safe, non-allocating set-operations for any sort.Interface
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Execution efficiency? #1

Open Lei2050 opened 9 years ago

Lei2050 commented 9 years ago

Execution efficiency?

extemporalgenome commented 9 years ago

See also https://go-talks.appspot.com/github.com/xtblog/gotalks/sets.slide#13

Where n represents the sum of the lengths of input set(s):


Average Worst
Uniq n n
Intersect n n
Diff n n
Union n+nlogn n+n^2 *
SymDiff 3n+nlogn 3n+n^2 *
Is* n n

* Uses sort.Sort (quicksort) internally (proof of concept).

Diff, Intersect and the Is* functions have lower than n average case performance--the table is conservative. Is* functions have exit early mechanisms, so best possible case is already O(1).

Once Union and SymDiff are given proper implementations, and applicable algorithms are augmented to use binary search when runs are detected:

Average Worst
Uniq n n
Intersect logn n
Diff logn n
Union logn n
SymDiff logn n
Is* logn n

Average case assumes runs.

If the sort.Interface implementations are slice based (which they usually will be), this package has a considerably lower constant factor (much faster) than map-based set implementations. Without radical changes to Go's map internals, it's very unlikely (effectively impossible due to Go's map iteration semantics) for any map-based implementation of the core operations (the operations listed in the tables) beat the planned in-place merge algorithms listed in the second table. All of this package's core algorithms are non-allocating.

To my knowledge, no map-based set package currently listed in godoc.org is able to exceed these current implementations of set.Inter and set.Diff in speed, including the code-generated approaches.

A custom ordered-map atop Go may be a reasonable alternative to this package in terms of performance, though I suspect it would be difficult or impossible to do so in a type-safe way without code generation (conversely, this package is already type-safe and thus has no need for or benefit from code-generation).

Apply uses a cache-conservative concurrent approach with overheads bounded by Go's runtime scheduler. On my quad-core amd64 test system with a compiler version approaching Go 1.5, Apply provides slightly better than a factor-of-two increase in throughput compared to naive, non-concurrent algorithms. There are possible improvements that can be explored, such as: