xtingray / tupitube.desk

TupiTube Desk Source Code
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bug: Project cannot be opened #67

Closed NachtigallersLehrling closed 11 months ago

NachtigallersLehrling commented 11 months ago

Hi there,

I just installed TupiTube 0.2.18 on Linux, created my first project and added a few frames with some content. After a few hours i saved it and closed the program. Now when i open TupiTube and try to open the project it says "Error Cannot open Project" without any further information (not even when i start it over the command line). Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-08-29 17-27-38

I can reproduce it with just one frame and one line on it. I appended this minimal example as a zip for reference (Github wont allow .tup files). myproject.zip

Is there a way to get my data back? I was basically finished but did not get to exporting until i encountered this problem. In case you cannot reproduce the problem, could you please export the image sequence for me? FroggerChoreo.zip

xtingray commented 11 months ago

Hi! First recommendation: Please use the latest version of TupiTube Desk (0.2.21). https://tupitube.com/installers/tupitube_0.2.21_linux_x64.sh

Here is the source file of your project FroggerChoreo, complain with our latest installer: https://tupitube.com/tmp/file/FroggerChoreo.tup And this is the project exported as a video: https://tupitube.com/tmp/file/FroggerChoreo.mp4


NachtigallersLehrling commented 10 months ago

Awesome, thank you so much!