I have a set of libraries from Altium CERN Library, I faced with varieties problems while I'm using this tool by you. I tried to change the code and test, but ending with failure.
Problems list:
a. Alternative part will exist with the normal part in the converted library.
b. Curved object has wrong radius or wrong direction.
c. Designators those have space will lead an error.
d. Sometimes the conversion will failed with the error nil from not existing directory of the altium schematic part.
I‘m not a LUA developer, but I tried to solve them. What I tried for the corresponding problems are:
a. No solutions.
b. Not very good try, but converted library can be used.
local function parseArc(block, fonts, comp)
local x = ad2kicad_CoordValue(block['LOCATION.X'])
local y = ad2kicad_CoordValue(block['LOCATION.Y'])
local r = ad2kicad_CoordValue(block.RADIUS)
local startAngle = block.STARTANGLE or 0
local sweepAngle = block.ENDANGLE or 0
sweepAngle = sweepAngle - startAngle
print("startAngle=",startAngle," sweepAngle=",sweepAngle, " r=",r)
local width = getWidth(block.LINEWIDTH)
-- Start of additions.
if (r <60 ) and ( r>25) and ((tonumber(startAngle) == 270) or (tonumber(startAngle) == 90))then
r = r - 25
startAngle = -180+startAngle
else if( r <= 25) then
startAngle = -180+startAngle
-- Ending of additions.
local v = toKicadArc(x,y,r,startAngle, sweepAngle, width,"symbol")
v.part = block.OWNERPARTID or 0
local f = block.ISSOLID and block.ISSOLID == 'T'
v.fill = f and 'f' or 'N'
v.bbox = BBOX.create(r*2,r*2)
v.bbox = BBOX.moveTo(v.bbox, x, y)
comp.graphs[#comp.graphs+1] = v
c. Solved the problem.
local function parseText(block,fonts,comp)
local t = block.NAME or 'user'
local value = get_str(block, "TEXT")
local x = ad2kicad_CoordValue(block['LOCATION.X'])
local y = ad2kicad_CoordValue(block['LOCATION.Y'])
local rotate = block['ORIENTATION'] or 0
local hide = false
local just = tonumber(block.JUSTIFICATION) or 0
if block.ISHIDDEN and block.ISHIDDEN=='T' then
hide = true
rotate = tonumber(rotate) * 90
local font = buildFont(block.FONTID, fonts)
local hJust = ad2kicad_textJustify[just] and ad2kicad_textJustify[just][2] or 'C'
local vJust = ad2kicad_textJustify[just] and ad2kicad_textJustify[just][1] or 'C'
if t == 'Designator' then
value = string.sub(value,1,-2)
-- Start of additions.
value=string.gsub(value," ", "_")
-- Ending of additions.
comp.ref = value == "" and 'U' or value
d.To ensure conversion successfully, nil related components can be skipped.
I have a set of libraries from Altium CERN Library, I faced with varieties problems while I'm using this tool by you. I tried to change the code and test, but ending with failure.
Here is some of the library components those can represent the problems. https://github.com/CarlNobody/Temporary/blob/main/Schlib1.SchLib
Problems list: a. Alternative part will exist with the normal part in the converted library. b. Curved object has wrong radius or wrong direction. c. Designators those have space will lead an error. d. Sometimes the conversion will failed with the error nil from not existing directory of the altium schematic part.
I‘m not a LUA developer, but I tried to solve them. What I tried for the corresponding problems are: a. No solutions. b. Not very good try, but converted library can be used.
c. Solved the problem.
d.To ensure conversion successfully, nil related components can be skipped.