xtream1101 / humblebundle-downloader

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filenames and directory names need to be detoxed #71

Open whitis opened 1 year ago

whitis commented 1 year ago

Not only does the program fail to detox the filenames and directorynames, but it interferes with you doing so.

hbd -s "$(cat cookie)" --library-path autodownload/ --progress
detox -r autodownload/
hbd -s "$(cat cookie)" --library-path autodownload/ --progress
cd autodownload
'Humble Book Bundle - The Joy of Coding by No Starch Press'
'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Cookbooks for Coders'
'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Linux MEGA Bundle by Packt'
'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Pocket Guides 2023 by OReilly'

For each repaired directory name, the program has recreated one with spaces in the names.

And each of those extraneous directories contains additional unwanted and impropertly named directories

ls  *\ Book\ *
'Humble Book Bundle - The Joy of Coding by No Starch Press':
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'The Secret Life of Programs'
'Write Great Code Vol. 1 2nd Edition'
'Write Great Code Vol. 2 2nd Edition'
'Write Great Code Vol. 3 2nd Edition'

'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Cookbooks for Coders':
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'bash Cookbook 2E'
'C Cookbook'
'Cloud Native Security Cookbook'
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'R Cookbook 2nd Edition'
'React Cookbook'
'Regular Expressions Cookbook 2E'
'RESTful Web API Patterns  Practices Cookbook'

'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Linux MEGA Bundle by Packt':
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'Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux'
'Hands-On Linux Administration on Azure - Second Edition'
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'Linux for Networking Professionals'
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'Linux Service Management Made Easy with systemd'
'Linux System Programming Techniques'
'Mastering Embedded Linux Programming'
'Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing'
'Mastering Linux Administration'
'Mastering Linux Device Driver Development'
'Mastering Linux Security and Hardening'
'Mastering Linux Security and Hardening - Third Edition'
'Migrating Linux to Microsoft Azure'
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'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Administration'
'SELinux System Administration - Third Edition'
'The Ultimate Kali Linux Book'
'Windows and Linux Penetration Testing from Scratch'
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'Humble Tech Book Bundle - Pocket Guides 2023 by OReilly':
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crude workaround: find autodownload/*\ Book\ * -exec rmdir {} \;

In this case, it didn't download the files again, apparently because they were recorded in autodownload/.cache.json, but it did recreate the badly named directories.

Detox itself can be used to process the name (name must actually exist in the current directory) detox --dry-run * too many spaces -> too_many_spaces detox --dry-run too\ many\ spaces too many spaces -> too_many_spaces

Or it can be built in, if you don't need to worry about utf-8 characters. Characters other than [A-Za-z0-9.-] should be changed to "" and adjacent underscores replaced with a single underscore.

Character which need to be escaped in shell should definitely not be allowed:

badchars=" !\"#$&'()*,;<>?[\]^`{|}"   # note, escaped double quote

/ is path separator Which Characters need to be escaped when using bashdetox converts & to and and converts a number of other specific iso8859/unicode characters to ascii equivalents detox/src/builtin_table.c

Also, in addition to the usual detox rules, regex "^Humble [A-Za-z]*Book Bundle ?- ?" should be deleted.

ReportABug Summary

Generated 2023-04-11 05:43:42.428100 with arguments ['humblebundle-downloader']

Module info


_error_full = "No module named 'humblebundle-downloader'"
_error_type = 'ModuleNotFoundError'


argv = ['humblebundle-downloader']
executable = '/usr/bin/python3'
implementation = {'_multiarch': "'x86_64-linux-gnu'", 'cache_tag': "'cpython-36'", 'hexversion': '50727408', 'name': "'cpython'"}
path = [
platform = 'linux'
prefix = '/usr'


architecture = '64bit'
build = 'default'
build_date = 'Mar 10 2023 16:46:00'
machine = 'x86_64'
os = 'posix'
platform = 'Linux-5.4.0-144-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-18.04-bionic'
version = '3.6.9'


PATH = '/home/$USER/.local/bin'
cwd = '/home/$USER/limbo_work_area/ebooks/purchased/humble_bundle/autodownload'

Censored words

Key Info
$HOST md5=3be8c5739d8f056b124838de345dec56, Unicode=Ll
$USER md5=f50c8fae274ecef0bd44f9ad874340c1, Unicode=Ll