xtrime-ru / TelegramApiServer

Fast, simple, async php telegram api server: MadelineProto + Amp HTTP Server
MIT License
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Use without database #134

Closed foremtehan closed 11 months ago

foremtehan commented 11 months ago

Is it possible to use the server without databases? I set the DB_TYPE=memory and remove mysql in docker-compose file, But when i run the api container it says Host [mysql:3306] not yet available

xtrime-ru commented 11 months ago

You must create docker-compose.override.yml and override WAIT_HOSTS env varibale:

           WAIT_HOSTS: mysql:3306

Please reffer to corresponging docs:

https://github.com/ufoscout/docker-compose-wait https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/

Difficult part, that docker overrides array by merging values. So if you create empty WAIT_HOSTS in docker-compose.override.yml you will get two WAIT_HOSTS entries in result. I dont know how docker compose will handle this. You need try.

Also you can just remove WAIT_HOSTS from docker-compose.yml, but i do not recommend to edit files in git, it will prevent git to update project in future.