xtrime-ru / TelegramRSS

Convert telegram posts to RSS or json in amphp server
MIT License
229 stars 40 forks source link

Few questions #12

Closed dmitrypisanko closed 2 years ago

dmitrypisanko commented 3 years ago

Приветствую, есть пара вопросов.

  1. В логах вижу кучу ошибок, в telegram api server все относительно чисто [2021-09-04 09:09:34] TelegramRSS\Client->get: Client crashed and restarting. Resending request. [2021-09-04 09:09:34] TelegramRSS\Client->get: Client crashed and restarting. Resending request. [2021-09-04 09:09:34] TelegramRSS\Client->get: Client crashed and restarting. Resending request.

Иногда проскакивает [2021-09-04 09:10:52] TelegramRSS\Controller->checkErrors: { "errors": [ "Telegram client connection error" ] }

  1. "Media exceeds size limit. Size: 475135283 bytes; limit: 314572800 bytes"

А не подскажите возможно ли увеличить лимит и если да то где? В RSS или Telegram Api


xtrime-ru commented 3 years ago


Client crashed and restarting. Resending request.

тут либо TAS завис, либо таймаут запроса по какой то причине срабатывает. На каком запросе падает?

Media exceeds size limit

Лимит укаывается в .env TelegramRSS, но еще возможно потребуется увеличить лимит памяти (опять же в .env) так как swoole не умеет в потоки и приходится грузить весь media в память что бы отдать его клиенту.

dmitrypisanko commented 3 years ago
  1. Привет, по ошибке сильно подозреваю что RSS так реагирует на ошибку FLOOD_WAIT на TAS. Метод я использую один /rss
  2. По лимиту понял, я параметр этот в 10 раз увеличивал, но видать там файл еще больше. И спасибо за наводку про увеличить лимит по памяти
xtrime-ru commented 3 years ago

FLOOD_WAIT - возможно. При небольших значениях madeline внутри TAS будет ждать указанное количество секунд, что бы повторить запрос. Действительно имеет смысл добавить в TAS настройку, что бы отключить ожидание. Спасибо за сообщение.

dmitrypisanko commented 3 years ago

Понаблюдал за поведением сервиса ради интереса. А эта команда будет выполняться бесконечно кол-во раз или есть какой-то лимит? Ощущение что запросы бесконечно крутятся.

[2021-09-06 18:16:28] TelegramRSS\Client->get: Client crashed and restarting. Resending request.

xtrime-ru commented 3 years ago

Делается 5 попыток отправить один запрос. Потом отдается:

    "errors": [
        "Telegram client connection error"
dmitrypisanko commented 3 years ago

Спасибо, еще вопрос, про TAS.

У меня лог завален сообщениями, а это нормально вообще? Генерится по 10-20 запросов в секунду ot [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not [2021-09-07 16:51:44] [warning] Received bad_msg_notification: message too old, and it cannot be verified whether the server has received a message with this msg_id or not

dmitrypisanko commented 2 years ago

И еще один вопрос, чтобы не создавать новый тикет. Канал: https://t.me/s/team_hanyu_videoHD Ссылка на rss: https://tg.i-c-a.su/rss/team_hanyu_videoHD?limit=20

А это нормально что в RSS выводится только один файл прилинкованный к сообщению? Как пример с айдишником 10 или 6

xtrime-ru commented 2 years ago

Все фотки в теле сообщения сгруппированы. image

Вопрос про то, что enclosure один? Наверное баг, если формат rss позволяет указать несколько enclosure.

PS. у телеги любое media - это одно сообщение. Если посмотреть в json, то там 4 сообщения. Которые группируются клиентами по "grouped_id": 13057941695911938

dmitrypisanko commented 2 years ago

В RSS точно можно несколько enclosure указывать. Json я тоже смотрел, но как-то не додумался проверить по группировке. Наверное подожду пока пофиксите RSS, потому как на него всё завернул. И спасибо )

xtrime-ru commented 2 years ago

Добавил множественные enclosure. Валидатор говорит, что это ок, но некоторые клиенты могут не понять :)

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