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Issues while creating an OAI device driver #101

Open jmorgade opened 3 years ago

jmorgade commented 3 years ago


I have two XTRX Pro version.

During last days I started to play around a custom OAI XTRX device driver implementation. The driver is up and running and in line amarisoft-xtrx driver implementation. However, looking at the kind of problems I am facing and not sure whether someone actually succeeded to make it working with AMARISOFT.

1- Could you please confirm if XTRX is really already integrated with AMARISOFT ?

Just saying because even "test_xtrx" doesn't seem to work as expected. I managed, more or less, to use test_xtrx to capture IQ samples but didn't manage to make transmitter working at all (I think due to wrong DMA settings but not sure)

In any case, due to the absolute lack of any documentation I'd kindly ask you to help with following set of simple questions:

2- Could you simple share the basic "test_xtrx" settings to enable XTRX in band 17: FDD UL(706MHz) DL(736MHz) BW(5MHz) ?

I would be great if you provide the basic param settings that allow simple replaying of any file with IQ samples in (i.e IQ_INT16) and capturing IQs on these frequency bands (or at least any other band that at least work for you)

I tried with several times with test_xtrx and different settings but never managed to see any signal on the spectrum analyser (no output power at all). Btw, I already tried after reloading the FPGA image and same issue.

Coming back to OAI ...

3- Are the following settings suitable for XTRX ?
In my current OAI driver implementation I assume the following XTRX settings:

XTRX logs look at least fine with these settings (SR, RF tuning, etc) and I am at least getting IQ samples back with no DMA errors reported. However, I didn't manage to see the expected OFDM spectrum out of the recorded IQ samples. I am using other SDRs as OFDM transmitters for this benchmarking and I know what should I expect here.

It could be that I am not properly using the out buffer since I am simply pointing OAI buffer (inline with amarisoft driver) directly in to xtrx_recv_ex_info_t ei; ei.buffers = psamples; // void **psamples

Anyway, I also noticed, that there is a hugh power imbalance in between the two RX channels. This is something I could also noticed with sdrangel.

Regarding the transmitting path, I attach a log file. Here I have same settings as for the receiver with same packet size settings. Configuration looks again okay for XTRX but now I am getting at least DMA errors.

I short, I would kindly ask you some support here. I have some background on this stuff and I will be more than happy to spend my spare time on this and continue troubleshooting XTRX.

Having said this, I need to know that Fairwaves is still supporting this project. Frankly speaking, it is now two years now since the crow funding finalized and I am a bit surprised (I would say concerned) about the lack of use cases and projects using XTRX.
