xu-cheng / latex-action

:octocat: GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents
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Glossary not working #97

Closed AC37-rulescommittee closed 2 years ago

AC37-rulescommittee commented 2 years ago


I try to generate a document with XeLaTex containing a glossary. Here a plain simple example:


\usepackage[toc]{glossaries} \newglossaryentry{computer} { name=computer, plural=computers, description={is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format} } \makeglossaries

\begin{document} \tableofcontents \section{TEST}\label{ch:Test} In our company we are using \glspl{computer}. \begin{appendix} \printglossaries \end{appendix} \end{document}`

Running it with the following yml file:

`name: Github Action for LaTeX on: [workflow_dispatch]

jobs: build_latex: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps:

I don't get the glossary built and have the following message when running XeLaTex:

... (scrartcl)\appendix' on input line 18. No file glossary_test.gls. [1] (./glossary_test.aux) ) Output written on glossary_test.xdv (1 page, 1488 bytes). ...`

xu-cheng commented 2 years ago

See #96