xu-li / cordova-plugin-wechat-example

An example project for cordova-plugin-wechat
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Authorization doesn't work #10

Open icekson opened 9 years ago

icekson commented 9 years ago

Hi, I've tried this example on my android device and when I click to auth button nothing is heppen... In the logcat http://prntscr.com/8uh7xz I see that wrong activity is started (I think so) : com.tencent.mm.plugin.base.stub.WXEntryActivity instead of xu.li.test.cordova.plugin.wechat.wxapi.WXEntryActivity. Can you help me with this issue? I want to use xu.li.cordova.plugin.wechat in my project for users authorization, but it doesn't work at all. Thanks for the help

P.S. there is no any error in the log

xu-li commented 9 years ago

Did you use ionic or phonegap? Mac or Windows? Cordova version?

Ideally, there will be a script running after installation of this plugin. That script will copy the entry activity class to the correct directory and change the package name of that entry activity class.

Maybe you can take a look at that.

Thanks, Xu

icekson commented 9 years ago

Did you use ionic or phonegap? Mac or Windows? Cordova version?

I use ionic 1.6.4 + cordova 5.3.3 + Windows (checked on Sony Z1 Android 5.1 and HTC One SV Android 4.2)

Ideally, there will be a script running after installation of this plugin. That script will copy the entry activity class to the correct directory and change the package name of that entry activity class.

Actualy all files are copied to right directory "platforms/android/src" (com.my-package.wxapi.WXEntryActivity for example or in case of your example project "xu.li.test.cordova.plugin.wechat.wxapi" http://prntscr.com/8vtvoj). Also I've checked AndroidManifest.xml, there is everything fine too http://prntscr.com/8vtwl4.

Have any thoughts why it doesn't work for me?

Thanks, Alexey

xu-li commented 9 years ago

Is your app approved by wechat team? In order to test it on android, you have to have your app approved by wechat team first.

Also, make sure the app id, package id and signature generated from app id and package id match the ones you submit when asking for approval.


phanthinh commented 8 years ago

similar issue +1

tallprince commented 7 years ago

same issue