Hey I tried to implement your paper in keras on EMODB database
where time step is 300
and 5 conv2d layers followed by one blstm and attention layer
training size is (339,300,40,30)
but not getting the same accuracy as yours training accuracy is only 20%
I don't know where I an doing wrong
can you please look at the code and let me know what I am doing wrong
Hey I tried to implement your paper in keras on EMODB database where time step is 300 and 5 conv2d layers followed by one blstm and attention layer training size is (339,300,40,30) but not getting the same accuracy as yours training accuracy is only 20% I don't know where I an doing wrong can you please look at the code and let me know what I am doing wrong
I have trained model using nadam optimizer which adam with nesterov moment