xucong-zhang / ETH-XGaze

Official implementation of ETH-XGaze dataset baseline
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Inquiry on Gaze Coordinate System Definition in ETH Dataset Compared to Gaze360 #34

Open HuAndrew opened 2 months ago

HuAndrew commented 2 months ago

Hello ETH Dataset Team,

Thank you for open-sourcing the ETH dataset and methods!

I am currently working with the Gaze360 dataset and noticed its specific definition of the gaze coordinate system. In Gaze360, the eye coordinate system is defined as a right-handed coordinate system with the y-axis pointing up and the origin at the center of the Ladybug camera system. The positive x-axis points to the left, positive y-axis points up, and positive z-axis points away from the camera. For example, a gaze vector of [-1,0,0] represents looking to the right, and [0,0,-1] represents looking straight into the camera.

Could you please provide details on how the gaze coordinate system is defined in the ETH dataset? Specifically, how are the x, y, and z axes oriented in your gaze coordinate system, and what is the origin point of this system?

Understanding these differences will greatly assist in integrating and comparing data from both sources accurately.

Best regards, HuAndrew

xucong-zhang commented 2 months ago

Hi HuAndrew,

Thank you for your interest in our dataset.

The gaze coordinate is following the EVE dataset setting. The gaze origin is defined as the face center as described here.

I am sorry that I do not remember the gaze vector direction indication. My suggestion is that you could take a look at our repository , which we convert Gaze360, MPIIFaceGaze and ETH-XGaze into the same coordinate system.

Best regards, Xucong