xucong-zhang / ETH-XGaze

Official implementation of ETH-XGaze dataset baseline
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XML files for camera parameters #9

Closed Frandre closed 3 years ago

Frandre commented 3 years ago


I noticed that in your code ,camera parameters are required (see below for details). However, I did not find the folder or the files in your code. Could you please let me know where can I download these parameters/xml files?

file_name = './calibration/cam_calibration/' + 'cam' + str(cam_id).zfill(2) + '.xml' (l.195 in normalization_example.py)

Your help is very much appreciated.


xucong-zhang commented 3 years ago


This camera calibration information is available in the raw data folder. You should have the access to the raw ETH-XGaze dataset if you already registered. And you will find the camera calibration folder there. Note you don't need to download the whole raw data. You can just download the camera calibration folder.

Kind regards, Xucong

Frandre commented 3 years ago


This camera calibration information is available in the raw data folder. You should have the access to the raw ETH-XGaze dataset if you already registered. And you will find the camera calibration folder there. Note you don't need to download the whole raw data. You can just download the camera calibration folder.

Kind regards, Xucong

Hi Xucong,

Thanks for your reply :)

I registered last Oct. and Email says that I will be informed again if the raw dataset is available. Let me check my mailbox and see if I missed your updates.

Best, Buyu

xucong-zhang commented 3 years ago


I sent emails to all people registered before, but probably we missed you. Please send an email to me (xucong.zhang(AT)inf.ethz.ch) with your name and I will check it. Thanks.

Best, Xucong

Frandre commented 3 years ago


I sent emails to all people registered before, but probably we missed you. Please send an email to me (xucong.zhang(AT)inf.ethz.ch) with your name and I will check it. Thanks.

Best, Xucong

That's very kind! Thanks.

Best, Buyu